10 product photographers with a portfolio that won’t leave you indifferent

Product photographers are experts in bringing out the most creative and functional side of all kinds of products, from the most elaborate to the simplest products. In this discipline it is not only important to take good photos, but the previous preparation and the ability to convey the message that the client wants to spread, will be essential for this type of product photography to achieve its objectives.

Today we want to talk to you about how the best product photographers work, what kind of considerations you need to take into account if you want to do it yourself, and we will also introduce you to 10 colleagues who do really impeccable product photography sessions.




Learn from the best product photographers and bring out your creativity.



What is the way product photographers work?



When approaching a photo shoot, product photographers have to do some very important work beforehand. On the one hand, it is important that they have a perfect knowledge of what the product they are going to photograph is going to be like, with data such as: shape, size, colour, textures, aromas, etc. Only in this way, they will be able to enhance and make the most of each of its properties.

But this type of professional also has to take the client’s purpose into account when planning the photographic reportage. In order to do so, they can answer several of these questions.

What is the purpose of the product images?

In which media will they be used?

Are they going to be printed to set the scene for any type of establishment?

Are they going to be used in the advertising world?


If you like this subject and do not rule out doing this type of reportage, we are going to give you a series of guidelines and tips that will help you to be part of the best product photographers of the moment.

What is product photography?

The first thing you need to know to familiarise yourself with this type of reportage is to find out what exactly product photography consists of and what specialisations it can cover. It could be said that this type of photo shoot is part of advertising photography, but it also covers other very interesting branches such as gastronomic photo shoots, stock photography, images for catalogues, photo shoots for e-commerce, fashion, etc.

As we mentioned just a moment ago, in this type of product photography reportage, the photographer has to focus his attention on capturing and offering his client the best face of the object or product in front of him so that the end consumer finds it really attractive when viewing one of his images. And to achieve this goal, it is important for product photographers to prepare the photo shoot in advance.

Before we dive into these issues, we are going to share with you a couple of articles that are closely related to this one and that will be of great help to you.

>> Get inspired by these 8 food photographers and find out all about food photography

>> Stock photography: meet several photographers specialising in this highly profitable subject area

Preparing the product and organising the photo shoot

When it comes to organising a product shoot and without going into the necessary equipment you will need and the most appropriate photographic techniques you will have to use when photographing products, we are going to focus on how you have to prepare the photo shoot and the photo studio.

Product preparation

When preparing the product itself, take special care that it is 100% spotless. This may seem obvious, but many clients, when transporting the object itself to your studio, may stain it slightly, or even wrinkle it if it is a piece of clothing, for example. Also, if you have had the product in your possession for a few days in order to study it thoroughly, it is a good idea that before starting the photo session you take the time to observe and prepare it as carefully as possible and to remove small stains, dust spots, wrinkles, etc.

In addition, if the product has several parts, needs to be assembled beforehand or it is essential that it is placed on some kind of support for its correct display, you will have to assemble and place it correctly before the photo session so that the product looks its best.

Organisation of the photographic studio

When preparing the photographic studio, product photographers often use a simple white background, so that the product itself will be the total and absolute protagonist of the image. But in many occasions, you will find that it will be much more interesting to add some kind of more dynamic and textured background or even create a series of special effects to highlight some feature of the product itself.

To create the effect of a product’s reflection, you can also use a series of reflective surfaces during the photo shoot. This option is very popular for jewellery and cosmetics.

Post-production of product images

In this type of product reportage, although great care is taken when taking the photographs, the post-production process can be very important and will help you to finish polishing the product images you have taken. In this type of process you can adjust colour, white balance and exposure. You can crop the edge of the background and clean up any imperfections or blemishes if necessary and adjust the sharpness.

Thanks to the post-production process, product photographers give the final touches to the photographs and make them much more attractive to the end user.

More tips for good product photography

These are the most common steps when organising a shoot of this type: preparing the product and the studio and applying a series of post-production techniques to finalise the images. But, when organising a photo shoot of this style, you can also take into account a series of other issues, such as, for example, the following:

  • If you are going to photograph several products for the same e-commerce or advertising campaign, make sure that the aesthetics are either the same or very similar so that they are in line with the brand in question.
  • Even if you take into account the brand’s own style, it is important that your essence is implicit in each project because in each job you also have to leave your mark. In this way, professionals will know how to differentiate your work in the future.
  • Always keep in mind to highlight the key or most powerful feature of each product. Photographs must convey a clear and concise message.
  • Before deciding on a particular aesthetic, try different styles, effects and background colours. You can also test different light settings, angles and distances to see how the product stands out the most.
  • Research the photographic work of big brands and brands, even if they are not related to the product you have to work with, to see how they approach this type of photography. This way you can get great ideas and lots of inspiration.
  • Etc.

Product photographers who trust Arcadina to show their best portfolio




Product photographers, when it comes to promoting their work and attracting more clients from the world of advertising, commerce or any other business where they need to do a photo shoot of what they sell, need to have a website where they can show this type of photographs in the most attractive way possible, with spaces that allow them to enlarge the images to full screen, create various types of galleries, have a space where they can present themselves and explain how they work, and even offer their clients a private area from which they can download their images or make reservations for future photo shoots.

Here we are going to introduce you to 10 product photographers who use several of Arcadina’s business solutions to promote this type of product reports. If you also want everyone to know that you offer this type of photo shoots, don’t hesitate to try our tools.




1# Studio Central

We begin this compilation of product photographers with the website of Studio Central is located in the town of Martorell (Barcelona) and their studio is dedicated to making photo shoots for children and newborns, fashion, maternity, portraits, weddings and product photography.

Within their different image galleries, you will be able to enjoy several of their product photos independently, discover who is behind this photographic studio and the rest of the services they offer, both in their facilities and through their photography website.




2# La Vida Perra: agencia creativa

La Vida Perra is a creative agency run by photographer Dalia Vicente where you can find: portraits, product images, gastronomic photography and several advertising videos for companies.

Within its website, Dalia has added several public galleries as a portfolio where companies will be able to get an idea of the type of work she does and also has an active client area where, once the photo shoot is finished, clients will be able to: view, select, download and buy more photos of their product shoot.




3# Wendy Gómez Fotografía Profesional

Wendy Gómez Fotografía Profesional is another of the websites that we would like to highlight today. In this space you will be able to find information about her services of gastronomic photography, books, clothing and accessories, architecture and interiors and weddings.

To showcase their product images, or in their case, clothing and accessories, on their website you will be able to visit a carefully curated gallery of images. We encourage the team of photographers behind the website to continue to expand the information provided on their website.




4# Stelart

Behind Stelart you will find great professionals in creative photography for advertising, fashion and beauty in the city of Granada. This team of photographers has had the opportunity to work for big brands and they know very well how to approach product photography sessions.

On his website you will be able to find an impressive gallery dedicated solely to product and gastronomic photography that will not leave you indifferent. You will also be able to find out a little about his career if you visit the About Us section.




5# Rafa P Carpio

Another of the product photographers we are going to talk about today are Rafa and Katy, the professionals behind the Rafa P Carpio brand. This team of photographers is entirely dedicated to commercial product and gastronomic photography and music photo and video shoots.

On their website you will be able to visit an elegant and well-kept service page where, as well as showing you some of their photographs, they will also explain how they approach this type of photographic reportage.




6# Miguel Sarti

Miguel Sarti is a photographer from Madrid who does all kinds of product, architecture and interior design, industrial, event and photo shoots and photo books.

If you would like to know a little more about how this photographer organises his product photo shoots, just take a look at his image gallery.




7# Tiziano De Stefano

Tiziano De Stefano is an Italian photographer based in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) who is dedicated to making the most creative product photography sessions, reports to hotels and resorts, lifestyle, editorial, gastronomic and architectural photography, portraits. He even dares to try his hand at aerial photography.

If we focus on product photography, we recommend you to visit the gallery of images he has created especially for this discipline. We are sure you will love it.




8# SC Photo Profesional

SC Photo Profesional is a website that is entirely dedicated to product, gastronomic, corporate and event photography in the town of Arroyo de la Encomienda (Valladolid).

If you want to get an idea of what Cristina Sarmentero’s product photography reports are like, you only have to visit her gallery of images that she has created specifically to show this type of photos. You can also visit her services page to get even more information.




9# Rob Car Foto

Behind the brand of Rob Car Foto is Roberto, a photographer from Torres de Berrellén (Zaragoza) where he does all kinds of photography reports for companies, books, social photography (weddings, communions, couples), etc.

If we focus on his work on product photography, like the other colleagues we are presenting today Roberto has created a gallery of images to show only this type of photos. And for those who want more information, they can always go to his services page, where he solves a lot of doubts about product reports.




10# María Muñoz Photo Studio

And to finish with this fantastic compilation of product photographers, let’s take a look at the website of María Muñoz, a photographer from Valladolid who, in addition to product photography, does gastronomic photography sessions, advertising photography and portraits.

You can check out her product gallery and see what creative compositions she makes and read about the features on her services page.




Do you also want to be part of this compilation of product photographers? Bet on Arcadina

As you have seen in this compilation of clients, product photographers are very creative, detail-oriented and know how to highlight the most outstanding features of the products they photograph.

If you also want to become one of them and show the world your portfolio, we encourage you to try our business solutions for photographers. They will help you get more visibility and make your day-to-day life more convenient. Try them for 14 days for free!



Before we say goodbye, we would like to share with you the interview with Daniel Ayala who also has a section on advertising and product photography.


>> Daniel Ayala, professional fashion photographer: Arcadina has helped to improve my photography business

And now, to finish, we would like to know what do you find most interesting about product photographers when it comes to their photo shoots? We’d love to read your questions in the comments.


Arcadina goes with you

Fulfil your dreams and develop your career with us. We offer you to try our web service free for 14 days. And with no commitment of permanence.

Arcadina is much more than a website, it is business solutions for photographers.

If you have any queries, our Customer Service Team is always ready to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We listen to you.



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