Meet 10+1 fashion photographers who know how to be trendsetters

Fashion photographers are able to convey a story by following a specific set design and know how to direct the model so that their images make the desired impact. If you are an advertising and catwalk photographer, you will know that this profession has always had a reputation for being made up of the most creative professionals of all disciplines. Therefore, when promoting fashion photography through your website, it is essential that you know how to promote and present in a more attractive way this artistic facet that you carry within you.

Today we want to introduce you to 10+1 fashion photographers who besides doing an excellent job have decided to rely on the business solutions we offer in Arcadina to promote their fashion photography.


The best fashion photographers are able to convey the essence of designers, models and magazines by creating images with the soul of each product or creation very much present.

What is the work of fashion photographers like?


The truth is that fashion photographers must have, in addition to extensive training and experience, an innate creativity that allows them to see far beyond the model herself, her clothes and accessories. This type of photographer is capable of creating a visual story through their photographs where they capture not only the product that the designer has created, but also the essence of their creative story and how a person might feel wearing that shirt, a branded watch or simply using a particular brand of perfume.

It could be said that fashion photographers do not photograph garments or inanimate objects but rather people’s experiences of wearing a particular type of clothing or a particular brand. But in order to be able to take this type of photographs, professionals have to have close contact with both the people in charge of promoting the product and the model who is going to appear in the images. That is why it is important to make a good previous planning and care of the aesthetics where even the smallest details will be crucial to tell a story in a single fashion image.

What do the best fashion photography websites have in common?


In the work of photographers who are dedicated to the world of fashion there is a constant evolution in each campaign. This type of professional has to train constantly, anticipate each trend and progress with the different fashions that emerge in order to know how to capture the trends of each season in fashion photographs. Moreover, all these changes and trends that emerge from time to time must be presented in a clear and impressive way through their photography business.

As an idea for your fashion photography website, today we are going to give you several recommendations that can help you to enhance this type of work:

  • Use an eye-catching cover for your digital photography business that will make an immediate impact on visitors.
  • Create fashion-only image galleries that appeal to your potential customers.
  • Explain how you work and what kind of reporting you usually do on a service website.
  • Offer your customers a private area where they can comfortably view their images, select, download and buy all the photos they want in multiple professional formats.
  • Etc.

A striking homepage with the most important shortcuts to your business


One of the missions of the homepage, apart from impressing visitors with an impactful fashion photography, is to provide them with immediate access to certain parts of your business through direct access buttons, such as: private galleries, portfolio, social media, contact, etc.

Fashion photographers can take advantage of this homepage to capture the interest of their audience right from the start. Whether it’s a model looking for a photo book, an advertising company, or even a large clothing company looking for a photographer to advertise their brand.

In your digital photography business created with Arcadina, all the elements are customisable, as is the case of the cover page where you will have 5 designs available to choose from and customise to your liking.

Image galleries adapted to your creativity


The different image galleries you have in your fashion photography business will be the main way to advertise your work. And for this diffusion to be as successful as possible, it is important that you create a series of well-structured galleries and sub-galleries where you can order your best work and perfectly show your style and your different photographic projects created so far.

In addition, you know that social networks are vital nowadays for the promotion of any photographer and being able to connect your Instagram network with the galleries of your website will be an advantage over your colleagues. You have this possibility in Arcadina and in the following article of our help we explain how to create it.

>> Arcadina Help: How to create an Instagram gallery

Explain how you work on your services page

As we mentioned in the previous section, showing your best fashion photography work is essential for future clients to take notice of you. But also, if you have a services page on your website where you can explain to interested clients the different options you offer, how you work or the types of reports you do, it will also help you to close many more budgets.

When creating your fashion photography website, try to resolve as many (common) questions as possible on your services page. This will not only save you many hours on the phone, but will also open the door to many business opportunities.

Private customer galleries to improve the user experience and increase your sales


When it comes to offering a much more professional and up-to-date service, private client galleries are a fantastic working tool. Thanks to them you will be able to send your clients all the fashion images from their photo shoot without having to meet them in person.

But it turns out that customer galleries will not only offer you this ease of delivery, but will also open the door to endless possibilities when it comes to continuing to do business with your customers, such as creating: selection, download, sale, multiple choice, etc. galleries.

In the next article of our blog you will find many more business ideas.

>> Strategies to sell my photos online without paying third party commissions

10+1 fashion photography websites that you will love

And as we know that the best way to become a great advertising and catwalk photographer is to learn from the best, today we want to show you a compilation of 10+1 fashion photographers who make high quality images and who have also chosen Arcadina to show them. We are sure you will find very interesting this selection of fellow photographers who do fashion shoots with very particular styles.

Get ready for great photography, unique approaches, new visions of fashion and lots and lots of creativity.

1# Ángel García Photo: Madrid


We begin the compilation of fashion photographers with Ángel García, a photographer from Madrid who is dedicated to making all kinds of reports: advertising, fashion, still life, portraits, reports to influencers, editorial photography, reports to cars and travel. As you can see, there is a wide variety of types and styles of photography, all of which have one thing in common: the creativity of the photographer.

This photographer has a long professional career and this can be seen in the quality of his photographs, groundbreaking and surprising in equal parts.

2# Guille Escalante: Apóstoles (Argentina)


Gille is an Argentinian photographer who, in addition to shooting fashion photography, is also specialised in wedding, 15 years and university photography.

In the case of fashion photography, this photographer has created on his website a gallery of images exclusively to show this type of reportage so full of light and colour.

3# Ander Sierra: Bizkaia


If you want to see some fashion photographs with lifestyle influences, you have to visit the website of Ander Sierra, a photographer from Bizkaia who, in addition to doing photo shoots focused on the world of fashion in any environment (studio, beach, city, gardens, etc.), also does some very natural photo books.

In order to show his extensive portfolio of fashion photography to his future clients, he has created several sub-galleries where those interested can get a good idea of the photographer’s way of working.

4# FBR Fotografía and Video: Madrid


FBR Fotografía y Vídeo is a photographic studio located in the city of Madrid where they take all kinds of photos focused on the world of fashion, brands and editorial reports. At the head of this studio is Fernando, a professional with years of experience who also makes video works, reports in exhibitions and concerts.

If you visit his image galleries you will be able to enjoy some groundbreaking and very vibrant fashion photos. And to find out more about all the types of work they do, you can visit their services and news sections.

5# 4 Studio: Murcia


4 Estudio is a website that is entirely dedicated to promoting advertising photography, e-commerce, product, food, fashion, mattresses and CGI-generated photos to create integrations of your products in virtual spaces.

In order to give potential clients an idea of how this photography studio in Murcia works, they have created different image galleries on their website where they show the different types of reports they produce.

6# Dani Ferrer Foto: Madrid


Another of the fashion photographers we would like to highlight is the website of Dani Ferrer Foto, a professional based in Madrid where he takes all kinds of product photography and focused on the world of advertising and fashion.

For those who visit his website, they will be able to enjoy some of his work through his image gallery and his presentation page, which he has turned into a gallery of striking and attention-grabbing photos.

7# Ammiramitu: Pontinia (Italy)


Ammiramitu is a website where you will be able to enjoy a series of photographs focused on the world of fashion, maternity and family with editorial touches and photographs of couples with a clearly artistic and natural touch.

In this photography studio in Pontinia (Italy) they also make all kinds of very personal portraits and dedicate some time to making their most personal and groundbreaking work.

8# David Gallardo Foto


David is a photographer who is entirely dedicated to the world of fashion, advertising and celebrities, creating a series of fashion images that perfectly convey the message of the brand.

On his website, as well as being able to visit several of his image galleries, anyone who wants to, will also be able to learn a little more about his history with photography. In addition, in his services section, you will be able to discover that this photographer is currently not only dedicated to fashion and editorial shoots, but he has also left a gap in his agenda to make some unique wedding reports and children’s photography and communion of the most fun.

9# Foto Fantin Studio: Bellinzona (Switzerland)


On the Foto Fantin Studio website you will meet Gianfranco, a photographer who specialises in wedding, pregnancy and family photography. This photographer also dedicates part of his time to a series of portraits with influences from the world of fashion.

On its website, as well as being able to enjoy each of its galleries, customers will be able to access a private area to view, download, select and purchase their photographs.

10# Blanca Peralta


Blanca Peralta is a multifaceted photographer who is currently shooting christenings, weddings, events, portraits, action and fashion.

If you want to enjoy some of his work, you only have to visit the galleries on his website. You will also discover here his beginnings and trajectory in this work that he loves so much.

10+1# Estudio Modiis: Puente Alto (Mexico)


And to finish with this selection of fashion photographers we go to the website of Estudio Modiis where a couple of photographers offer all kinds of photo shoots: weddings, family, mums-to-be, children, couples, fitness, artists, graduation and, of course, they also do fashion photography.

If you want to see a sample of his colourful and trendy fashion images, you just have to visit one of his galleries on his photography website.

Join the great team of fashion photographers at Arcadina

If you are part of the fashion photography community, it is important for you to explain on your website how you work and what kind of photo shoots you can organise. Having a well-kept image gallery and a professional website will allow you to promote yourself as a professional fashion and ecommerce photographer online.

At Arcadina we offer you all kinds of business solutions that will make your life easier and that, once implemented, will allow you to dedicate much more time to what you love so much, which is taking fashion photographs.

Try the business solutions we offer at Arcadina for 14 days free of charge and with no conditions of permanence.

This time we are going to share with you the interview of the fashion photographer Daniel Sanz.

>> Interview with Dani Sanz

And to finish today’s article, one last question: What do you think is the most important aspect for a fashion photographer to succeed? We’d love to read your opinions in the comments.

Arcadina goes with you

Fulfil your dreams and develop your career with us. We offer you to try our web service free for 14 days. And with no commitment of permanence.

Arcadina is much more than a website, it is business solutions for photographers.

If you have any queries, our Customer Service Team is always ready to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We listen to you.

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