8 perfect blogs for photographers to inspire you in 2024

The best blogs for photographers have several aspects in common that make them stand out from the rest, such as: assiduity when creating their publications, including important information for their readers, adding terms that help them to be found in search engines, creating small image galleries to make the articles much more attractive, choosing a blog design that matches the rest of their website so that visitors have a better user experience, etc.

Today we are going to focus on two of these points: interesting content and the choice of an attractive design that is in tune with the rest of the style of the website. These, and no others, are two of the keys that you will find in the 8 best blogs for photographers in Arcadina that we are going to present in this article and that if you take into account their strategies, they will help you to have more visibility next year 2024 thanks to your photography blog.


Become more visible in 2024 and get the most original ideas from the best blogs for photographers in Arcadina.

What strategies do the best blogs for photographers follow?


When it comes to attracting more users to their photography websites, the best blogs for photographers know very well what kind of strategies they have to follow. Most of them tend to spend some time writing their articles taking into account a number of factors, such as:

  • Write quality content.
  • Research the buyer persona (or ideal customer) to find out exactly what topics are most interesting to write about.
  • Take advantage of Arcadina’s galleries in the posts to upload images to the article.
  • Link your posts to the website and to other related articles.
  • Use an attractive and simple design to make reading pleasant and smooth.
  • Use elements such as headings, subheadings and bold type to differentiate and highlight different ideas.
  • They take into account certain aspects of SEO so that their posts reach more potential customers.
  • Etc.

As you can see, there are many actions that you can plan so that your photography blog performs its function correctly and brings many more users to your photographer’s website. And many of them are related to the 2 points we are going to highlight today: writing quality content and using a design in line with the rest of your photography website.

If you want to go deeper into this subject, we are going to share with you a series of recommendations to improve the positioning of your articles on the Internet.

>> Keys to creating a professional photography blog

More tips to make your photography blog a success in 2024


When it comes to creating a photography blog that really works, you are going to have to carry out a series of small actions that will allow you to achieve much bigger goals, such as, for example, positioning on the first page of Google one of your articles that talks, for example, about the first communion sessions you do in the city of Cáceres or getting engaged couples to know your work as a wedding photographer through a post that talks about the 5 ideas that can’t be missed at your wedding in Vitoria.

In order to achieve these and many other goals in an easier way, we are going to share with you 4 tools that will help you achieve them.

Create an editorial calendar and save time with the writing of each article

An editorial calendar is simply a document with a previous planning where you have to define and write down several aspects of the posts you want to write in the coming days or months so that when you have to start writing them it will be much easier and faster. This tool is also very useful to have a more long-term vision of the topics you are going to deal with and at what times of the year. This will allow you to talk about your different sessions at the exact time of the year when your clients are searching, talk about the topics that are trending at that time, etc. This way you will have a more ordered vision of the content you publish in your photography blog and you will save a lot more time the day you have to write a post.

In the following article we talk in more detail about how to create your own editorial calendar.

>> How to create a photo editorial calendar?

Check the older posts, Google always likes this

If you are one of those who have been running your photography blog for a long time, you will probably have articles from years ago that do not receive any visits and it is quite logical because, to give you an example, if a person is looking for a portrait photographer in Madrid and finds a post of yours in the search that is from 2012, they will surely discard it for being old.

For this reason, and because Google rewards articles whose content has been updated by improving their positioning, at certain times it is more convenient to revise certain posts that have been written for years and republish them with the current date than to create new ones.

Remove 404 errors from your blog

This is another task that you have to do from time to time, because sometimes a series of links are shared, especially in blog articles, for example, from other suppliers, from events related to photography or your clients, from articles in your own post that you decide to delete, etc., that over time stop working.

This type of URLs that do not lead anywhere are very bad seen by Google and make you lower points when it comes to positioning your content in a better place. But we have very good news, in addition to being able to check your articles one by one looking for this type of failure, you can also use Google Search Console to detect them.

Encourage guest blogging on your photography blog

Guest blogging is nothing more and nothing less than a collaboration on your photography blog from another supplier, colleague or entrepreneur related to your sector who wants to write an article talking about your work.

This type of collaboration is usually reciprocal and ideally, if, for example, a wedding venue writes on your blog, you should also write an article for them. This way, in addition to pleasing Google with outbound links to your website, you will increase your visibility when you write on your partner’s blog and reach a different audience.

As recommendations for this practice, do not abuse it or Google will think it is spam and make sure that the collaborations are with websites that have a certain authority and reputation.

8 Examples of the best blogs for photographers created with Arcadina

Here we are going to show you a small compilation of the best photography blogs that our customers have created thanks to all the options we offer them at Arcadina. We hope you like the selection and that you can get lots of ideas for your next articles.

1# Sensaciones de Boda: wedding photography in Valencia



We begin this compilation of blogs for photographers with the website of Sensaciones de Boda, a team of photographers who specialise in wedding, pre-wedding and post-wedding reportage and who also make wedding videos in Valencia.

Although they only specialise in this area, they have created different categories in their photography blog so that bridal couples can read content about the type of reportage they are most interested in.

As a recommendation we would say that in each post you should write a little more text so that Google can improve your positioning in searches for, for example, post wedding report in the Pyrenees.

2# DZ Fotografía: artistic, landscape and minimalist photography in Alava



On the website of DZ Fotografía, dedicated to artistic, landscape and minimalist photography, they have taken advantage of the blog to advertise their courses and projects in each article.

As a tip to make night photography and lightpainting courses and outings more attractive, you can create different articles explaining what each of the disciplines consists of. Then, as you go on courses and outings, you can create another series of posts commenting on the experience and link them to the rest of the articles so that users have all the information at their fingertips.

3# GNO Foto: corporate photography, portrait, models, boudoir and much more in Madrid



GNO Foto is a photography company that offers all types of sessions, both in studio and on location: corporate photography, portraits, model shoots, maternity, family and boudoir.

In his photography blog, as well as finding all the articles organised by different categories, in some of them the photographer has taken the trouble to resolve some of the most common doubts that may arise for his clients, such as the case of doing a boudoir session after the age of 40.

4# Abel Sogues: wedding and family photography in Castellón



In this blog, if you look at the headlines, Abel has managed to be much more specific and eye-catching in many of the titles of his articles. A detail that will undoubtedly help him to have a greater reach. When we enter one of his posts, we can see that he fulfils what he promised in the headline and dedicates time and words to explaining the chosen subject matter.

As a recommendation, we encourage Abel to highlight even more subheadings, highlight keywords in bold and close the post with some kind of conclusion or farewell.

5# Sara Alarcón Fotografía: children’s reports and boudoir in Lérida



Sara Alarcón is a photographer from Leridana who specialises in all kinds of children’s sessions both in her studio and on location and she also specialises in boudoir shoots.

In her professional photography blog you will be able to find articles where Sara has chosen her keywords very well and where she explains how she works.

6# Cañadilla Fotógrafos: wedding, children’s and corporate photography in Córdoba



In the blog of Cañadilla Fotógrafos, one of the details that we liked the most about the blog of Cañadilla Fotógrafos is that in addition to including full-size photographs, in one of their articles dedicated to photography for business events, they have also included a video. Undoubtedly a detail that will be liked among its readers.

As a recommendation for this blog is that they are encouraged to write more content so that their articles can be positioned much better. They can explain how they have organised the report or the utilities that corporate photographs have.

7# Salva Ruiz: children’s and wedding photography in Malaga



Salva Ruiz is a photographer from Cádiz who does wedding photography and children’s photography in Malaga and uses his professional photography blog to talk about many of his photographic reportages. Another type of articles that go very well for the blog and that Salva has included are those that deal with the latest awards and recognitions.

As a tip for future mentions and awards, we encourage this photographer, in addition to sharing a photo of the publication, to write a little about the recognition obtained, this will make his readers more aware of the news and Google will reward him by positioning his post better.

8# White Moments Photography: social photography in Barcelona



And to finish this small compilation of blogs for photographers we go to the website of White Moments Photografphy, these photographers from Barcelona have known how to be part of the best photography blogs of the moment and if you take a look at some of their articles you will discover why.

As well as choosing a design that fits in with the rest of her website, at White Moments Photography your readers will be able to discover what some of her photo shoots are like, and more importantly, they will also be able to read posts about her style of photography.

As a final tip we would like to recommend to the photographers of White Moments Photography that in addition to adding more text to their articles, they should also add a shortcut button to their photography website.

Get more clients in 2024: get inspired by these 8 blogs for photographers

To become part of the best blogs for photographers next year 2024 it is important that you take care of the type of content you plan to publish, give a review to the strategy you have in your publications and, why not? Give the aesthetics of your blog a makeover too. Your readers will thank you for it.

And if you still don’t have a professional blog with Arcadina you can create one. Try it free for 14 days.

On this occasion we are going to share with you the opinion of photographer Cristian Soto.

>> ‘Arcadina has everything an image professional needs’, Cristian Soto

We don’t want to say goodbye to this small list of the best photography blogs of 2024 without asking you a question: What aspects do you take into account when creating a professional blog? We’d love to read your ideas in the comments.

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