8 advantages of Booking that will make this Arcadina service irresistible
This time we are going to talk about the advantages of Booking and how this service, as well as making your day-to-day life easier, will also help you to get more bookings for your photo shoots every month. Because nowadays photographers’ clients, especially those of the new generations, value very positively that the treatment and management, after the day of the reportage, are through an online platform. And if you also give them the possibility of booking some of your photo shoots through your website, more than one undecided person will jump at the chance to pay for the booking of your photo shoots without even contacting you.
This and other advantages of Booking are the ones we are going to discuss today in this article so that you can see how beneficial it can be to offer your visitors the option of booking a photo shoot directly from your website.

Discover the advantages of Booking and get your photography business sales off the ground.
- 8 Advantages of Booking that will make you want to offer this service on your photography website
- 1# Get more profit from the sales of your automatic photo shoots
- 2# Learn how to optimise your working hours
- 3# Offer a state-of-the-art service for online communication
- 4# Create a separate campaign for each type of photo shoot
- 5# Offer multiple packs within each campaign
- 6# Don’t worry about scheduling thanks to Booking
- 7# Take care of your bookkeeping automatically as well
- 8# Take advantage of the booking calendar service with no strings attached
- What are the options available with the booking calendar?
- Meet several photographers who are already using Booking in their business strategy
- Learn how to integrate Booking into your photography website
- With all these Booking advantages, would you like to try this service?
- Arcadina goes with you
8 Advantages of Booking that will make you want to offer this service on your photography website

The Booking Calendar is a service that we offer at Arcadina so that photographers have their websites ready to offer the booking of their photo shoots online. One of the advantages of Booking is that your clients will have the opportunity to make their bookings, including the payment of part of the service through the web, but there are many more advantages that make this service extremely attractive.
Nowadays, where a large part of the purchases of products and services are made through the Internet, offering this possibility to your own customers will be a big step forward in your digital photography business. But if you still have some doubts or if you don’t know very well the advantages of Arcadina’s booking calendar, in this article we are going to explain several reasons why you should consider including this service in your website:
- Increase your income.
- Save time with customers.
- It offers a more contemporary service.
- Create different campaigns with your main photo stories.
- Organise your packs within each campaign.
- Keep your diary up to date.
- Better management of collections.
- Enjoy the Booking service with no strings attached.
We will now take a closer look at all these Booking advantages.
1# Get more profit from the sales of your automatic photo shoots
As we have already mentioned, one of the main advantages of Booking is that you will be able to increase your income automatically without having to do anything more than set up the photo shoots you are most interested in and put them up for sale. Because nowadays, where many of the purchases are made through Internet searches, offering people interested in your services the possibility of booking through the website will be a way to increase your sales every month. Because if you think about it, having a 24/7 booking calendar is like keeping your photography studio open 24 hours a day but with even more reach.
In addition, this service will provide your customers with greater convenience when booking, as they will be able to do so comfortably from their mobile devices, PCs or Tablets without having to contact you.
2# Learn how to optimise your working hours
As in the booking calendar service clients will be able to read a short description of the report before contracting it, they will see the total price and the booking price and they will also be able to choose the day and time to formalise the purchase, you will save many hours on the phone or answering emails answering the same questions about your services over and over again and consulting the agenda every now and then.
One of the signs that your business is on the right track is the need to delegate part of the work or to automate processes. Therefore, if you find that this type of management takes up too much of your day-to-day time, the Booking plan will be perfect for you. And once you have this new option implemented and working, you will be able to invest all that time in strengthening other parts of your business, or simply in resting.
3# Offer a state-of-the-art service for online communication
As the years go by, everything evolves. Cameras, photo studios, techniques used, photographic styles and also the way clients behave. Nowadays, in 95% of the cases, photographers will already have a customer prototype that is very familiar with online sales.
Undoubtedly, a photography website that offers the customer this possibility of making a reservation from the web will gain many points, because there are millions of websites of any other service that already offer this sales option. Therefore, if you also offer this alternative when booking a photo shoot with you, your customers will value this convenience for them very positively and it will favour the flow of sales.
On the other hand, if you choose not to offer the Booking service, it is possible that many of your visitors who were determined to make a booking, while waiting to contact you, will find another photographer along the way who does offer the option of booking a photo shoot on the spot through his or her website.
4# Create a separate campaign for each type of photo shoot
The Booking service will not only allow your visitors to make their bookings through your website, but they will also find a space where they will have the information of all the types of photo sessions you offer well organised and in the same space, with the basic information they need to know to make a booking and, of course, with the option of being able to leave the booking ready.
Thanks to this system, clients will have information about your other photo shoots at their fingertips and the chances of them booking you several times, even if it is over a period of time, will increase. Here is a practical example.
Let’s say a mum-to-be who is looking for a photographer for a pregnancy session comes to your booking page. If you have done your homework and created a campaign for each type of service you offer, this client, in addition to being able to book this maternity session, will also be very aware that she will also be able to book a newborn photo shoot, a follow-up of her baby and a fun smash cake photo session with you.
5# Offer multiple packs within each campaign

Even if within your Booking page you have organised your main reports, for example:
- Child portrait.
- Communion.
- Family photos.
Within each type of report, with Booking you will be able to create several types of sessions, as many as you have packs of each of these reports. This way, if, for example, you usually offer 2 different first communion photography packages:
- Studio reporting.
- Outdoor photo session.
In this way, a family who is looking for a photographer for this season because their little girl is having her first communion this year, in addition to having the option of booking a report of this style, will be able to choose between the different modalities. This possibility will be very popular with clients and will save you a lot of time.
In addition, these types of sessions, as they can be created within the communion campaign, when a client enters your Booking page, they will have all the information correctly ordered and classified.
6# Don’t worry about scheduling thanks to Booking
Another advantage of the Booking service is that every booking made by a client will be registered in the calendar that you will find in your management panel. In this way, no appointment will be misplaced and you will not have 2 clients coinciding at the same time due to confusion or lack of attention. In addition, this Booking service that we have designed in Arcadina, will allow you to transfer all the information of your bookings to the most used calendars nowadays, such as: Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, etc.
In this booking calendar, as well as being able to consult your clients’ bookings, you will also be able to include those you receive via the studio, email, telephone, etc. or mark unavailable dates to, for example, enjoy your well-deserved holidays or attend a doctor’s appointment.
7# Take care of your bookkeeping automatically as well
A very interesting option that you can offer to your clients who book a photo shoot through the web, is the possibility of paying in instalments, so that once a client has made the payment for the booking, the rest of the amount can be paid in one or several instalments that you can register through your panel. In this way, you will have greater control over your accounts and no session will go uncollected.
When setting up the photo sessions that your clients will be able to book through the website, you will be able to configure the total price of the photo session and the price that the clients will have to pay to make the booking. And at this point, you will also be able to choose the payment methods you are most interested in offering.
8# Take advantage of the booking calendar service with no strings attached
Until a few weeks ago, the Booking service was linked to the Business service and a condition to be able to contract the booking calendar was that you already had the private galleries and/or the client area active. Now, thanks to the fact that we have improved and extended this booking calendar service, you will be able to contract this service without having to have the business active.
This way, you will be able to further customise the options on your website and create a fully personalised digital photography business tailored to your customers’ needs.
In case you didn’t know, now you can try this Booking service or any other service for free and without permanence terms. There are no more excuses to work with a professional and quality photography business.
What are the options available with the booking calendar?

If you have been convinced by these advantages of Booking and you want to try it, you can implement it through the panel. Here you will find a section dedicated to Booking where you will be able to configure it:
- The campaigns of your main photo stories.
- The type of sessions you want to offer your clients.
- Consult and use the booking calendar to shape the schedule of your photo shoots.
- Review and supervise all photo shoots that clients book through this medium.
- Record each payment made.
- Etc.
If you want to know more about how every detail of the Booking service works on your website, you can consult the following article of our blog where we explain in detail all the configuration processes of this booking calendar service.
>> Would you like to have a booking calendar on your website? The Arcadina Booking plan is here!
And like all the business solutions we offer at Arcadina, so that you can adapt this service to your real needs, we have created 2 types of Booking plans:
- The Professional Booking plan, where for only 7,50 € per month you will be able to configure up to 3 types of photo shoots in your booking section.
- And the Booking Studio plan, (the most chosen by photographers) in which, among other advantages over the previous plan, the number of sessions you can upload to this page is now unlimited.
If you want more information on what the different packs include, the following link will give you all the information.
Meet several photographers who are already using Booking in their business strategy
Since we launched this service, which is very useful for photographers, there are many customers who have decided to try this interesting business option. That’s why in the following post we are going to show you a small sample of some colleagues who are already implementing this business solution on their websites.
>> Success stories: 8 examples of customers using Arcadina’s Booking Plan
And if you have already contracted this service, WhatsApp Business is the best tool to complement this appointment calendar service. This way, if a client has any doubts when making a booking, they can send you a quick message through your web chat to resolve them.
Learn how to integrate Booking into your photography website

To use Booking today on your photography website, all you have to do is sign up for this service through the management panel or in the prices section of our Arcadina website.
Once you have done this, it will be very quick to familiarise yourself with the booking calendar options. Below we are going to share with you a series of articles from our help section so that you can set it up quickly.
>> First steps to activate Booking
>> Booking. Methods of payment
With all these Booking advantages, would you like to try this service?
As you can see, there are many advantages of Booking that we have mentioned today: like increasing your income without doing anything, saving time with your clients, offering a service on your website that is much more in line with the times, being able to create campaigns with your main photo reports, organising your packs within each campaign, having greater control of your booking calendar and of the management of the payments that your clients make, enjoying this service with no strings attached, etc.
There are no more excuses to start with Arcadina today.
And to finish this article we would like to share with you the interview we have done with our great friend and colleague Antonio Siles from foto siles who speaks very well of this service and comments on several other advantages of Booking.
>> Meet Antonio Siles, children’s and family photographer
Before we say goodbye until the next article, we would like to ask you a question about this session booking service. Do you miss any extra option within the Booking plan? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.
Arcadina goes with you
Fulfil your dreams and develop your career with us. We offer you to try our web service free for 14 days. And with no commitment of permanence.
Arcadina is much more than a website, it is business solutions for photographers.
If you have any queries, our Customer Service Team is always ready to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We listen to you.