Twitter for photographers: tips and tools to get the most out of your professional profile

Twitter for photographers is the perfect social network to give your photographs the boost they need on the Internet. Nowadays all networks have their own particular audience, but Twitter is the social network with the most active users. Therefore, knowing how to get the most out of this viral social network will help you to achieve greater visibility for your photographic reports.

In a network where communication is big, it’s not easy to make your tweets stand out from the rest, that’s why we’ve created this little guide to Twitter for photographers to help you get more reach for the posts you create on this viral social network.

Learn everything you need to know about Twitter for photographers to get your photos more exposure online.

Learn how to set up Twitter for photographers and get more exposure


Twitter for photographers works differently from other networks, especially in terms of followers. To give you an example, on Facebook, if you don’t pay and create Facebook Ads, your posts will only reach a small part of your followers (approximately 10% only). On Twitter, on the other hand, the reach can be much greater if you learn to use all the tools that this social network offers you when creating posts.

Another difference that Twitter has with followers is non-reciprocity, i.e. a user can follow you without you having to follow them back.

One of the great advantages of this social network is that you can reach practically everyone who might be interested in what you are publishing. But in order to achieve this goal, you first have to learn how to approach your Twitter posts in the right way. So, here are 8 Twitter tips for photographers that will help you improve your posts.

1# Publish quality content to build follower loyalty


It is essential that in addition to publishing the photographs of your latest photo shoots, you also dedicate a series of tweets to publish quality content for your followers, such as: news related to your specialisation, articles from your blog, tips for future shoots, experiences of clients working with you, etc.

The idea is that users who read your tweets see your channel as interesting and decide to follow you so that they don’t miss your future publications.

Another advantage of creating quality publications is that you will be specialising in a specific topic and this will make you be seen as an “expert” in the subject and you will have more chances of being included in their thematic lists.

2# Tweet more often to convert followers into customers

Once you have managed to get a user to follow you thanks to a tweet, the next step you have to take is to plan a series of publications, more or less periodically, with articles of interest, your best photographs and the latest news you have launched in your studio, for example.

Keep in mind that the lifespan of a post is very short on this social network, so if you post frequently, your chances of being seen by new followers will increase.

You can also try different formats: photos, photo and text, blog article, sharing a related news item, etc.

Another point that is very important to make your posts much more visible is to try posting at different times until you find the best times for your audience. Twitter has tools to help you find out which posts are most liked.

In this way, you will not only get them to follow you on Twitter, but you will also get them interested in what you publish from time to time. This is a very good way to get in the medium / long term that part of your followers become potential customers.

3# Share your content in moderation

Although we have just recommended that you create tweets with content of value for your followers, such as links to articles from your blog, news related to your sector, etc., you are a photographer, and as such, photographs must be an important part of your publications.

When it comes to publishing photos, take the time to choose the best ones. Yes, those that when you see them for the first time you think “my clients are going to love this photo“, because your clients have really liked it and it has touched them in some way, in networks it will also have that effect.

>> The best photos for social media

When considering how to promote your photos, try not to overuse commercial sales messages, because if your followers get the impression that you are always trying to sell them a photo shoot, they will stop being interested in you and unfollow you.

4# Use hashtags to give your posts more reach


Hashtags are very useful on Twitter, if you know which ones to choose, to achieve greater visibility for one of your publications. Think that a large part of the users who see a tweet may be thanks to one of the hashtags you have included in that publication.

When writing a hashtag, do not use spaces, accents or special characters, add the # symbol before each phrase or word and try to be as descriptive and concise as possible. In the following article we give you more ideas for using hashtags on social networks.

>> Hashtags on social networks: learn how to use them in your photos

5# Get more quality followers

When it comes to building an audience, it is important to bear in mind that not just any follower will do. It won’t do you any good to have a large number of followers if they are not of high quality and for this you have to answer the question: what type of follower is ideal for my business?

A good way to start building up a quality following is to find a top photographer in your area and follow their list of followers. After a few days, you can review how many of them have decided to follow you to keep only those who have started to take an interest in you. Over time and once you see that the number of followers is growing little by little, you will see that Twitter is like a snowball that gets bigger and bigger.

6# Create new contacts that will give you more visibility on Twitter for photographers

When it comes to creating new contacts, it is very interesting to add followers who are either already your customers or may be in the near future. But it can also bring you many pleasant surprises to follow other types of public referents in your sector, for example:

  • Top national or international photographers. You never know when a photo shoot might come up on behalf of a colleague who can’t make the appointment.
  • Entrepreneurs related to your sector. If you are a wedding or communion photographer, for example, you can follow estates for celebrations, event organisers, etc.
  • Benchmarks in your industry. As well as seeing what kind of posts your role models create and do best, you can also get some of their own followers to follow you if you interact with their content.

7# Show yourself as you are to build trust with your audience


It’s not only important to show off your best shots, it’s also important to show your audience who you are and how you work behind the camera. So every now and then you can create a series of posts showing an editing process, studio preparation before a shoot or a day off in the countryside.

These types of publications will make you appear more approachable and help you build a higher quality audience.

8# Respond to your followers and interact with them

On Twitter and in your other communications on other networks, it is important that you respond to comments left on your posts or mentions. If you see a post that is interesting and related to your specialisation, comment on it to create as wide a network of contacts as possible.

Another strategy for building audience loyalty is to send thank you messages to the people who follow your tweets the most.

Twitter for photographers: the best tool to get online visibility

As you can see, Twitter for photographers is a whole world, but if you spend some time on it, you will see that it is very easy to use. Once you know how to interact on this social network, we encourage you to try out the other features that Twitter offers, such as creating threads on more specific topics or participating in Twitter Spaces, audio chat rooms that are perfect for launching a course or creating a community.

If you want to know more about the other social networks, the following articles can serve as a guide.

>> Instagram for photographers: learn how to create a professional profile

>> Facebook for photographers: guide to setting up your fanpage

Today we want to share with you the interview article of the photographer Gema Romero from Ilusiones Art Photography.

>> Gema Romero: ‘I love what Arcadina looks like’

And to end this article we would like to know what Twitter tips for photographers you have been using so far? We’d love to read about your experience with this social network in the comments.

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