Hashtags on social networks: learn how to use them in your photos

Hashtags on social networks are a powerful tool that can help you to ensure that the photographs you publish on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or any other network have a greater reach. Because nowadays social networks have become another sales channel where you can promote your photography services and it is essential that you learn how to get the most out of them.

Social media is now used by millions of people with common interests and has become another channel in the marketing sector. These channels, with the help of social media hashtags, can help you spread the word about your photos to a much wider audience.


Learn how to use hashtags on social media to make your photos go even further.

What are they and what is the purpose of hashtags on social media?


Social media hashtags are a series of terms that are added to posts and are written with the # symbol in front of the word or phrase that refer to a particular subject.

The main objectives of hashtags are that the publication in which this term is included has a greater reach and generates interaction among people who are interested in the topic in question.

Why should you use hashtags on social media?

Hashtags can help you not only achieve greater visibility for your images. If you know how to use them correctly, they can benefit your photography business even more. Let’s take a look at some of the most important benefits of using them correctly on your networks:

  • Build a brand. Using hashtags on social media is a very effective way to build a brand, especially if you use them for: promotions, special discounts, sweepstakes or any other action that involves the users that follow you. They are also very practical for identifying specific content, such as a photo series or a more specific theme.

  • Increase the reach of the post. As we mentioned at the beginning of this section, one of the most obvious reasons for using hashtags is to increase the reach of a publication and reach many more people than would be possible without using any tag.

  • Reach your target audience. By showcasing your work on social media you aim to find the people you are targeting. Your audience will be moved by these hashtags and will be able to find you more easily thanks to them. This way they will be able to search for content and filter it through these hashtags.


If you look at this post of ours, you will see in the red box the hashtags we have used. Some of them serve to make us known as a company that offers business solutions for photographers, for example: #arcadina, #solucionesdenegocio.

And if you notice, there are others that serve to reach our target audience by addressing a topic that we know may be of interest to them, such as the topic of the headaches that a photography business can cause: #doloresdecabezafotografo (#photographerheadaches).

How to use hashtags on your main social networks?


The work of a photographer is 100% visual. New technologies have changed the way the profession is understood compared to the means available 2 decades ago. Nowadays, having an online platform as well as active social networks is essential to achieve a series of objectives.

When a photographer starts using social media to promote photo shoots, one of the most common questions is how to use hashtags on social media. Especially because on many of these platforms, the use of hashtags is very important to reach the right audience.

Performing a preliminary analysis of the most used hashtags by photographers would be a good way to start familiarising yourself with them. In particular, if you already know who your target audience and your competitors are. Researching what hashtags your competitors use can be a good place to start.

Another strategy you can follow to find out which hashtags are most effective on social media is to keep an eye on the content published by influencers related to your sector. This way you will see which hashtags work best and which tags are most interesting for you depending on the type of photo you publish.

More recommendations for your publications in networks

If you want to dive right into the world of hashtags, here are a few more tips on how to master them.

Type of hashtags by social network



When looking at which social media hashtags to use, ideally you should prioritise the more specific tags. The more specific they are, the more likely they are to reach your ideal customer prototype.

You can also play with long tail hashtags where the level of competition will be lower.


In the case of Twitter posts, you can follow the recommendations below.

  • Accompany hashtags and photos with text: A good Twitter post would be one with photos (you can include up to 4 per post), a couple of hashtags at most and a short text (with information about the photos).

  • Include them anywhere in the tweet: You can add hashtags anywhere in a tweet, for example, within the text that accompanies the photos.

  • Take a look at trending hashtags: This is one of the most important qualities of Twitter to reach more users. See what are the current trends worldwide or just in your country. Take advantage of sharing content related to those hashtags to reach more people.


The use of hashtags for this social network is something different. It is not long ago that we began to see their widespread use on the platform, and it is advisable not to saturate the publication.

This type of action is carried out with the intention of positioning your article within a specific topic that is being talked about in the sector. In this way, people searching for information on Google, as well as on the social network itself, will be able to reach your content.

The ultimate goal is to generate content for your audience and engagement that will allow you to expand your network of professional contacts. We recommend that you follow the hashtags that are most related to the photography sector, as this will allow you to keep up to date with everything that is being published.

Create brand-specific hashtags


It is very important that, from the beginning of your publications in networks, you create several hashtags that are very representative of your brand and your work. That is to say, tags with your own name and with those qualities that differentiate you. For example, in Arcadina we not only use our name as #Arcadina, but also #solucionesdenegocioparafotografos which summarises what we do and what we offer in a quick and easy way. Make sure yours are quick, concise, very visual and that they define your work in a few words.

At the same time, it would be advisable to also use those that are related to your work, such as: photography, professional photographer, wedding photography, nature photography, etc. These would be the keywords that are related to your sector. You can also look for the ones that have been used the most at that moment and the ones that are best positioned in relation to your work and what you are showing at that moment.

Focus on a single objective


When using hashtags on social networks to promote very specific topics, use the most specific ones and leave aside the generic ones. These more specific hashtags may be the ones that are worse positioned but they will help you to viralise and position your idea. And they are great for SEO.

Sometimes these may be the lowest ranked but they will help you reach a more targeted audience, and for SEO they will be great.

You can find tools that can help you find the best hashtags, such as Hashtags.org.

How many hashtags can I use?

There is always a dispute on this issue. Keep in mind that the maximum for ranking is 30 each week, even each day. Instagram varies its opinion and positions both those publications that use only 2 and those that use 20; it depends on the day. It is advisable for these to be between 10 and 15 so that the posts get 80% more interaction.

Also remember that spaces in hashtags should not be included.

What are the most viral photo hashtags?  

There are a number of hashtags related to photography that have already become very popular on the networks. These are some of them:

#wedding, #weddingphotography, #weddingphotographer, #fashionphotos, #fashionphotographer, #sportsphotography, #wildlife, #boudoir, #portraitphotography, #landscape, etc.

Use the best social media hashtags to promote your photos

Hashtags on social networks help users to find your publications quickly and specifically and, at the same time, viralise and position your content.

Today we would like to share with you the interview with Francisco Ruano.

>> Interview with Francisco Ruano, nature photographer

And finally, we would like to know what kind of social media hashtags do you use the most to promote your photos? We’ll read you in the comments.

Headache for your photography business? Take an Arcadina

Headache for your photography business? Take an Arcadina

Fulfil your dream of becoming a professional photographer with the help of our business solutions. Now you can create a website and business for free for 14 days with no commitment of permanence.

Thanks to Arcadina’s business solutions for photographers, your business headaches will disappear.

If you have any queries, our Customer Service Team is always ready to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We listen to you.

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