New Arcadina blog!

Yes, that’s right, we have Arcadina’s new blog! And we didn’t want to miss this opportunity to present you our new design and tell you a little more about the content of our blog and what you can achieve with your own blog.

We have been active in the world of online publications for many years now and we know for a fact that articles can help you achieve greater visibility and presence on the Internet. Today, in addition to introducing you to the Arcadina’s new blog, we are going to give you a series of tips so that you too can stand out thanks to the content of your posts.


It’s a brand new blog. Today we present the new Arcadina blog.

Introducing Arcadina’s new blog


After many years of working with the same design, it was time for a change, so today we would like to present the new Arcadina blog with new and very interesting content and a more modern design in line with our brand identity.

A blog is a loudspeaker on the Internet where you can publish, in a more casual and informal way, a series of content that will help your readers in some area of their lives (personal or professional), it offers you a space where you can express and disseminate your values as a brand, opinions, give ideas to your readers or even announce news like the one we are going to tell you about today.

The content of your photography blog can become your greatest ally when it comes to attracting new clients if you know what topics to talk about and you manage to clear up certain doubts in your followers.

Interesting information you will find in the new Arcadina’s blog


In case you are not yet familiar with the content you can find in the new Arcadina blog, we are going to introduce you one by one to each of the categories in which you will find very interesting articles. But we already tell you that thanks to the content of our blog you will be able to:

  • Get to know our company values a little better.
  • You will discover how other great photographers who rely on Arcadina’s business solutions have created their digital businesses.
  • You will learn all the details about setting up our business solutions that will make your photography website much more profitable.
  • You will be able to watch and read interviews with leading photographers who will talk to you about their professional careers.
  • We will keep you informed about all the news related to Artificial Intelligence and the world of photography.
  • You will have a place to learn about the culture of photography and its trajectory throughout history.
  • You will know first hand all the important news that we are launching in Arcadina.
  • You will learn how to set up your social networks correctly.
  • And we will give you small and simple tips that you can apply to improve the SEO of your website.

Let’s look at all these options in a little more detail.

Arcadina category within our blog

This is our most corporate section where you will be able to find the latest news that are directly related to our company, such as: that we are digitalising agents of the Digital Kit, our company has been chosen as an innovative company of IVACE, the recent launch of our podcast and several other very interesting news.

>> Arcadina

Arcadina’s customer’s corner

This is a space dedicated to you, our clients, where every month we create several compilation articles where we analyse several websites of our clients, usually grouped by themes. This kind of posts are very inspiring for most photographers, where they can appreciate how other colleagues organise their digital business and all the options we offer them in Arcadina.

>> Clients

Tips for photography businesses

To get the most out of our business solutions, every week you will find an article in which we deal with a very specific topic that can help you either to learn how to configure one of our business solutions or to show you all the options that you will have at your disposal thanks to them. This is undoubtedly the most instructive section of our blog.

>> Advice

Meet our photographers

In the Interviews category each month you will be discovering great photographers who have trusted our business solutions. Discover how several of our photographers who specialise in different types of photography do business thanks to their websites, meet our ambassadors and access some of the interviews in video format.

>> Interviews

Learn about Artificial Intelligence

This is one of our newest categories, AI. Here you will be able to find information about the latest news on artificial intelligence, opinion articles and AI tools that can help you in your day-to-day work as a photographer.

And as in Arcadina we try to keep up to date with the latest developments, in our public and private galleries you will also be able to apply AI so that your customers can search for their images much faster. In the following posts that you will also find in this category we will talk about it in more depth.

>> Artificial Intelligence has arrived in Arcadina! Find out how AI is changing the rules of the game

>> Did you know that you can now search for images by selfie? Find out about this new AI feature

>> AI

Informative articles on photography

In Arcadina’s new blog you will not only find articles related to our business solutions and a clear example is the category of photography. If you are passionate about feeding your general culture about this broad topic that is photography, in this section you will find several articles written mostly by our colleague @bernatgu who has made a review of the history of photography, has talked about photography as seen by the cinema and several other must-read articles.

>> Photography

The latest news from Arcadina

Every time Arcadina launches a new business solution, makes an important improvement or expands one of our services, we announce it in several of our media so that all photographers can be aware of the news. And one of these means is the News section of our blog. If you want to keep up to date with all our news, we encourage you to keep this section of our blog at hand.

>> News

Another place where we announce all the new features and improvements we are launching is in our help section. Don’t miss the following article where you will find a list of all of them.

>> Arcadina Help: News 2024

Social media tips and advice

We have said it many times, the ideal complement to your business and from which you can get many visits to the web are social networks. Nowadays, a professional who doesn’t have a profile on Instagram, X (Twitter) or Facebook is as if he/she didn’t exist. And as we know that the day is not enough for everything and you don’t have time to train yourself in all the necessary fields to take your photography business forward, in this section you will find little tricks and recommendations to keep your social networks up to date.

>> Social networks

SEO for photographers

And last but not least, the last of our categories is SEO. Here you will find a series of articles where you will learn certain notions of SEO that will help you to improve the content of your website. The idea is that little by little you will be climbing positions in the main search engines so that your website receives more visits.

>> SEO

Practical tips to improve your photography blog


We know for a fact that keeping your photography blog up to date may be one of the last tasks on your list of priorities. But from our own experience we know that this tool can be very powerful if you put into practice these 4 simple tips that we are going to explain below.

1# Find out what your customer is interested in knowing

This part is crucial for your photography blog posts to be a success, because there is no point in wasting your precious time creating posts that later receive hardly any opens.

The first thing you have to do is to create several categories within the blog, ideally? At least one for each type of report you offer. Then, try to find topics to write about that really interest your clients. Here are some examples:

  • 5 locations in Madrid city for an outdoor communion session.
  • 4 mistakes to avoid in your wardrobe if you are doing a newborn session with your baby.
  • 7 reasons why many couples are organising a post-wedding session on the beach.
  • Etc.

These types of articles are the ones that can reach your customers the most and to make them attractive you just have to draw on your experience and tell them what has worked best in recent seasons.

As you can imagine, articles in which you download a complete session and only add a few details of the protagonists are not very helpful when it comes to finding new clients.

2# Share your articles on social media

Every time you write a blog post, don’t stay only in that action, the more diffusion the post has, the more chances you will have to reach a greater number of people, so it is interesting that, once you have published your article you give it the widest possible dissemination and share it on social networks in which you have an active profile will increase this visibility significantly.

In addition to sharing it on networks, if you have an interesting post, you can invest in its dissemination by creating an advertisement both on networks and on Google, share it with your clients, acquaintances and other people who can help you to spread it.

3# Don’t sell yourself shamelessly in your articles

It is clear that the objective of creating a post is that your future clients read it, access your website and finally hire you. That is the way to go and they know it, but when it comes to reading any kind of information on the Internet, if users feel that you are selling them something too directly or too aggressively, they will not have time to leave your blog and continue their search elsewhere.

The first thing you have to do in your articles is to solve an existential doubt of your clients: how many months of pregnancy do I have to wait to do the maternity session, can the grandparents appear in the Christmas sessions, why should I book a pre-wedding session, etc.

Once you have answered your readers’ query, you can indicate what your work is and where they can see more information about it, but always in a measured and organic way.

4# Blog (more or less) regularly

We know that this is a task that you are going to postpone but, if you try for a few months to upload articles to your blog more or less regularly and with information of interest, you will see that the number of users who come to your website is higher.

To make it less tedious for you to start writing in your blog, you can create an editorial calendar. This is simply a plan that you can make, for example, every 3 months, where you will write down a series of data for each article that will help you to write them faster:

  • Date of publication.
  • Subject matter.
  • Keywords you can use.
  • Organisation of the content, title and other sections.
  • Preparation of images.
  • Etc.

This way, when the time comes to write a post, you will only have to fill in the information in each section and the research process will be done once every 3 months, not every time you sit down to write a post.

Here are some more tips on how to create a successful blog.

>> How to create a professional blog for photographers?

And if you want to see some examples of blogs created with Arcadina, be sure to visit the following post.

>> 9 perfect blogs for photographers to inspire you for 2024

Today we present the new blog of Arcadina

Today you have met the new Arcadina blog where the new design is more in line with our brand image and the contents are designed to help you in your day to day as a photographer.

The blog is a fantastic tool that you can find on all Arcadina websites. If you want to try everything you can do with a professional photography website, we encourage you to try our service for 14 days for free.

On this occasion we are going to share with you the interview with Cristina Grañena.

>> ‘Arcadina is the assistance in the shadow’, Cristina Grañena

And finally, one last question: What do you think of the design of the new Arcadina blog? We would love to read your opinions in the comments.

Arcadina goes with you

Fulfil your dreams and develop your career with us. We offer you to try our web service free for 14 days. And with no commitment of permanence.

Arcadina is much more than a website, it is business solutions for photographers.

If you have any queries, our Customer Service Team is always ready to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We listen to you.

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