Stock photography: meet several photographers specialising in this highly profitable theme

Stock photography has been in high demand in recent years and there are already many professionals who use this type of images for their publications in different digital media, such as: websites, Internet advertisements, social networks, blog articles, etc. Normally these types of images are sold by photographers through image banks, but on these platforms, although they offer great visibility to the photographers’ work, they usually keep a very high % of the profits obtained from each sale.

If you like stock photography, in today’s article we are going to introduce you to several Arcadina photographers who sell these types of images through their photography websites and keep 100% of the revenue.



Earn extra income by selling stock photography.



What is stock photography?



Stock photography is a modality where a wide variety of themes and everyday situations can be represented to satisfy the needs of users and which are mostly used for commercial and editorial publications. Here are some of the most popular themes, but first we are going to share with you a couple of articles:

>> 25 royalty-free image banks

>> The best royalty-free music banks

Themes within stock photography

  • Portraits: both individual and group portraits showing some kind of emotion, action or daily activity.
  • Families: family photos in different places, e.g. at home, on holiday, shopping, at the doctor’s, etc.
  • Multicultural: photographs of groups of people of different ethnicities doing some kind of activity.
  • Office: representation of a person or persons working in front of a computer, attending a meeting, etc.
  • Professions: portraits of professionals from different sectors, e.g. doctors, lawyers, engineers, hotel and catering staff, banks, hotel employees, waiters, cooks, etc.
  • Technology: use of technological devices such as mobile devices, PCs, tablets.
  • Health and well-being: photographs related to healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, sport, mental well-being.
  • Fashion: images of clothes, make-up, accessories, etc.
  • Landscape and animals: photos of charming places, pets, animals in the wild, photographs of the seasons of the year, tourist destinations, emblematic monuments, representation of important festivities, customs, traditions, etc.
  • Home: photographic reports in different rooms of the house, with very specific decorations, images of activities in the garden, interior decoration, etc.
  • Food: photographs of food, preparation of dishes, etc.
  • Sport: images of different sporting disciplines, photos of sportsmen and women, sports clothing, etc.
  • Etc.

These are just some of the types of stock photography you can find on the market, but thanks to the use of Artificial Intelligence, more and more types of images can be purchased online.

If you like this world of stock photography but you are still starting out, you may find the following article we are going to share with you very helpful:

>> Looking for training for stock photographers? Find the best courses for stock photographers here

Meet 5 photographers who do stock shoots

To show you that selling stock photos through your website and keeping all the benefits is possible, we are going to introduce you to 6 photographers who trust the business solutions we offer at Arcadina and who have been encouraged to sell their stock images through their website.

1# Stock Mad



We begin this small compilation of stock photography with the website of Stock Mad, a photography website that is dedicated in large part, as the logo on their website indicates, to carrying out stock photography sessions in the city of Madrid.

In its different image galleries you will be able to enjoy some of its themes, such as product, landscape and lifestyle photography. And in the About Us section, you will discover how this type of photography allows the photographer to shoot almost any kind of discipline.

As a recommendation we encourage this photographer to incorporate a business area on his website so that the sale of this type of images is faster and more dynamic. In this way, he will have much more time to create and experiment with other scenarios and situations that give so much play in this type of photography.

2# Addictive Photo



Addictive Photo is a website dedicated to sports, travel, landscape and stock photography sessions based in Huesca.

On their website you will be able to enjoy a gallery of stock images only where you will find very different themes and situations, something that users who consume this type of images really like.

On this occasion we recommend Emilio, the photographer behind this website, to incorporate to his website a business section where he will be able to sell both publicly the stock images and privately the rest of the reports.

3# Novodia Stock



The Novodia Stock website is entirely dedicated to the sale of stock photos, especially landscape images.

We are sure that if you include a short biography on the website explaining your beginnings and your work, you will capture the attention of your audience. And if you add a feedback page, those who have already bought some of your images will have the opportunity to leave a positive testimonial.

4# Carles Navarro



Carles Navarro is a multifaceted photographer who travels around the world and takes the opportunity to shoot his stock images. He is also behind pages such as Stokeros or the podcast dedicated to the same subject.

On his website you can find some of his work in various image galleries, such as: hairdresser, barber shop, crossfit, van life, lifeguards and Friends kl.

In his About me section he tells a bit of his story where he says that he loves to communicate, so we encourage him to activate the blog on his website and tell the world about each of his trips. We are sure that this initiative will give more visibility to his stock reports.

5# Luis Bañeres



And to finish with this small compilation about stock photography, let’s go to Luis Bañeres’ website where you will be able to find a lot of information about this kind of reports. Luis, in addition to taking this type of photographs, also offers professionals the possibility of creating a customised photo shoot, without a doubt, a very interesting option.

On his website you will be able to find a gallery of images dedicated solely to stock photography and a page of services where he explains in detail what these photographic reports consist of. And if you go to his online shop, you will see how he has for sale many of the photographs of this specialisation.

In his blog you can also read an article explaining more about this discipline. Our recommendation to Luis is that he continues along this path and does not stop writing articles in this style on his blog.

Arcadina helps you sell stock photos for free



To sell your stock images through your website and not pay commissions to third parties, at Arcadina we offer you a series of business solutions that will allow you to make these sales, these are the public galleries (or online shop) that you can create within your business section.

Through this space you will be able to create as many galleries as you want, including not only the sale of photos in digital format, but you will also be able to activate the option of selling printed photos in different formats, for example, so that your customers can decorate an office, their workplace or even a corner of their own home.

Other very interesting options that you will be able to configure in your public galleries for sale is the quick sale of images, the creation of packs and many other options that will favour the sale of stock photos through your website. Below we are going to share with you a couple of very interesting articles on this subject:

>> Strategies to sell my photos online without paying third party commissions

>> How do I sell my photographs on my website?

Stock photography is in fashion, join the challenge to sell it through your website

If you want to sell stock photography and keep 100% of the income, you can do like the fellow photographers we have introduced you to today in this post and rely on the business solutions you will find in Arcadina to sell your photographs to anyone who is interested in your work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

In addition to having public galleries for sale, at Arcadina we offer you many other possibilities, such as: creation of private galleries for your clients, use of AI in the public and private galleries for sale, professional website specialised in photographers, booking calendar system so that your clients can book a photo session directly from your website, professional photography blog, WhatsApp Business service, email accounts, domain, etc. As you can see, there are many possibilities. If you want to try for yourself all the options we offer, you can do it for free for 14 days.


 On this occasion we would like to share with you an interview with a good friend who also provides training in stock photography. He is José Barceló.

>> Interview with José Barceló, a great friend of Arcadina

And to finish this article on stock photography we would like to know: would you be interested in selling this type of images through your website? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Arcadina goes with you

Fulfil your dreams and develop your career with us. We offer you to try our web service free for 14 days. And with no commitment of permanence.

Arcadina is much more than a website, it is business solutions for photographers.

If you have any queries, our Customer Service Team is always ready to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We listen to you.

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