Business solutions to help you sell more Christmas sessions

If you want to sell more Christmas sessions this year 2024 compared to other seasons and make more profit, it is important that you change your strategy when organising and promoting these temporary shoots.

That’s why today we are going to discuss with you the main difficulties you have when it comes to organising your Christmas campaign and what’s even better, we will give you a solution to all of them so that, once and for all, you can make the most of these elaborate reports to prepare and sell more Christmas sessions this season.



It’s time to sell more Christmas sessions in 2024 thanks to this guide from Arcadina.

What are the main problems that prevent you from sell more Christmas sessions?


The difficulties you may have experienced in other seasons in sell more Christmas sessions can be varied and can range from seeing what kind of decoration to do this year, how to approach this decoration task, preparing information for customers, contacting suppliers, organising all the documentation, creating an advertising campaign, etc.

The truth is that there is a lot of work to be done in any kind of photographic campaign, but if it is a Christmas campaign and therefore, very short in time, all the efforts must be rewarded at the end of these reports.


That is why today we want to give visibility to some of the problems that often arise when organising a Christmas campaign and we will also help you to find the right solution to them.


But before we talk about the main problems with this temporary session, we would like to share with you a post with recommendations for planning this type of temporary reportage.


>> It’s time to plan your Christmas campaign 2024



I spend too much time informing families about my Christmas sessions


This is a common occurrence in the day-to-day life of the vast majority of children’s photographers. Because the moment you launch a new campaign, families fill your email inbox, social networks, WhatsApp and phone with messages asking for more information. And the worst thing is that the vast majority of mums and dads always ask the same questions.


When will it be possible to book a Christmas session, what is the decor this year, when can the photos be taken, will Christmas cards be included this year, is there a possibility of a costume change, how many children can attend per session, etc.


These are just a few questions but we are sure that in your case you will be asked many more day in and day out. And the truth is that you already have enough to organise everything to get your Christmas photos ready, attend to your other clients, do your other photo shoots, retouch the images, be active on social networks, keep your website updated and a long etc.


It is therefore important that you find the best way to optimise your time and create a system in which clients who are interested in your Christmas 2024 campaign are well informed so that you have more time to work.


The effort of creating sets and working many more hours during these weeks is not rewarded in the number of sessions contracted


For a photographer repairing any kind of temporary shoot carries a risk in terms of making a profit, but with Christmas shoots the challenge is even greater as the time and money involved in preparing the Christmas decorations is often much greater than with other shoots.


Our recommendation to sell more Christmas sessions and make them profitable, is that besides preparing an excellent service and that your clients have been informed in the most correct way possible, you should dedicate part of the effort to the diffusion of this powerful temporary photographic campaign.


For this it is important that you learn how to create paid ads but also how to get your own organic traffic thanks to a better positioning of your website.


If you manage to overcome these difficulties with your Christmas campaign, you will be much closer to achieving not only the profitability of these reports that only last 2 months, but you will also obtain sufficient benefits so that all the effort made will be more than rewarded.


I don’t have an online booking system and I have to balance all the booked reportages in a very short time


But without a doubt, one of the biggest problems you are going to encounter when it comes to sell more Christmas sessions during these last few months of 2024 is getting families to book even more of these types of sessions. Because once they have contacted you to ask for information, they will usually contact you again to make a schedule and book the Christmas session and during this process you can lose many business opportunities by not having a practical and fast system of direct bookings.


Because the problem is that parents work and children, in addition to going to school, often have homework, extracurricular activities and a more active social life than their parents. This lack of time is a problem when it comes to balancing schedules. That is why it is important that you try to find a system in which families can check your availability and make the payment for the booking of a photo shoot without even having to contact you, this way you will have even more time to dedicate to your work and a fuller and well organised agenda.




It is a temporary session on which a large part of the year depends and I need it to be very well publicised


This is another problem that is closely related to the previous ones and is that many family photographers trust that this type of reportage, together with the communion campaigns, must generate the income to cover a large part of the year. For this reason, as well as ensuring that the Christmas sessions are profitable due to the effort involved in preparing them, it is also important that they are a success in order to guarantee a financial cushion for the following year.


Although it is a temporary reportage that, as we have already said, lasts only a few weeks, you have to take these Christmas sessions very seriously and use all the means at your disposal to achieve your economic objectives.



Business solutions for photographers that will boost sales of your Christmas stories by 2024



Although it may seem like a tedious job ahead of you to tackle the Christmas sessions, if you learn how to use the necessary tools, you can achieve greater visibility for this campaign and, even more interestingly, delegate much of the administrative work with clients.

As a remedy to solve the main difficulties with your Christmas campaign, at Arcadina we offer you not one but 3 business solutions that are specially designed to improve the lives of photographers. These are the website, the photography blog and the Booking service.

Let’s take a look at all the obstacles you can overcome with these 3 essential tools for professional photographers. But before that we would like to share with you a compilation article with some Christmas photographers who have already launched their 2024 campaign.

>> 15 Christmas photographers who have already started their 2024 campaign

Photography website to explain and promote your services on the Internet

If you have a professional website with all the information well organised and detailed, you can’t even imagine how many hours a month you can take away from answering the same questions to undecided customers. Because today’s clients are on the web and your website has to be one of the fundamental pillars of your photography business. Think that many people will get to know you through the web and will draw their own conclusions about your work without even having had a previous conversation with you, so it is important that you take care of it and have as much (useful) information as possible.

But within an Arcadina website you will have many options, such as creating: menu pages, landings page, galleries, sub-galleries, testimonials section, contact page, etc. Let’s take a look at a few options that will help you solve most of the difficulties with your Christmas campaign this 2024.

See what this year’s decorations will look like with a Christmas-specific image gallery

You already know that Arcadina’s photography websites are designed to promote photography businesses and in addition to having all the galleries and sub-galleries of images you need to show how all your reports are, you will also be able to create an Instagram gallery where the latest images you upload to this social network will appear.

Thanks to this powerful tool, you will be able to show families what this new season’s sets look like or even take a look at previous years’ sessions. The important thing is that when they enter your website, visitors can see a sample of how you make these reports.

The good thing about creating a specific gallery just for Christmas is that if you see it convenient, when this campaign is over, you will be able to unpublish it to promote other photo shoots.

Solve all parents’ doubts about the Christmas reports on your website

Especially when working with children, families not only want to see a sample of what a photo shoot with you looks like in a gallery of images, but they also want answers and if you want to save a lot of time answering the same questions over and over again, the ideal thing to do is to create a specific Christmas service page. This is where you can explain: how you work, what this year’s decoration consists of, what products you are going to give to the families, during which dates this session will be available, how they can make a reservation and, in short, solve the rest of the doubts that parents usually have.

As an Arcadina solution, you have menu pages that you can publish and unpublish whenever you want and that visitors will have access to when they enter your website.

Another solution that you can use if you are not convinced about putting all the information on the web, is to create a landing page. This will be the same as a service page within your website with the difference that if you don’t want to, it will not appear in the main menu of your website. This way, when a customer asks you for more information or even when you send an email to your subscriber list, you can attach the URL of your Christmas services page.

Users need to know as soon as they enter your website that your Christmas campaign has already started this year!

Another option that you will be able to find on your website is the possibility of adding a small advertisement or pop-up window that will appear in the first place as soon as you access your website.

This type of action is very useful for temporary campaigns like the one we are talking about today because it will not be an ad that will be visible all year long and, in this way, users who already know you or even enter your website for the first time, will instantly find out that you have already started this last campaign of the year.

In these ads you will be able to include a Christmas photo and a small text and the best of all is that in order for it to disappear from the screen, users will have to click on the x to close. This way you can make sure that they know that you have already started your 2024 Christmas campaign!

In the following article in our help section we explain how you can configure this interesting option.

>> Arcadina Help: Add promotions to your website

Photography blog to get more visibility for your Christmas campaign 2024

Once you have organised your website with all the information about this year’s Christmas sessions, the next step in your marketing strategy can be to give the necessary visibility to these types of reports. To do so, you can create paid advertisements both on the Internet and on your social networks. But if you also want to get a better organic positioning, that is, without investing money, you can bet on using your photography blog.

To do this you can create a series of informative articles with interesting information so that families who are currently looking for a Christmas photographer can find all your information.

Here are some ideas that you can use to create your own Christmas posts:

  • Show your customers what this year’s Christmas decorations will look like.
  • Explain what the different Christmas packages will include.
  • If you have testimonials from other years, you can create a compilation post in which your customers speak.
  • When you have done the first sessions, you will have the opportunity to show the rest of the families what this year’s reports look like.
  • Etc.

As you can see, there are many themes that you can cover in your blog about Christmas and remember to illustrate your publications with small image galleries to make a bigger impact on families.

Booking: the best tool to sell more Christmas sessions this year



Another of the strong points that you have to implement if you want to save time and not miss any booking is the Booking service that we offer you in Arcadina.

As well as being a much more practical option for you, it will also be more practical for your clients, because we already know that many families look at these types of reports when the children are already asleep and having the option of making the booking at that moment will help you to increase the number of Christmas reports considerably.

Because the booking calendar service not only allows you to allow the client to choose the day and time that most interests them, but they will also be able to pay the amount of the booking and you will be able to organise the times of each Christmas session completely to your liking. Let’s look at it in a little more detail.

Save time with your customers and offer the possibility to make online bookings

For both you and your clients, having an online booking calendar from which families can choose a session, day and time and book immediately, will be a great success and is exactly what will allow you to sell more Christmas sessions this year.

On the one hand, you can’t even imagine how many hours you’ll save by balancing your agenda with your clients and dealing with these types of calls, and on the other hand, your clients will appreciate the convenience of booking from the comfort of their own homes at any time of day or night.

Another great advantage of Booking is that, as all bookings and payments will be recorded in the calendar of your panel (which you can then move to your regular calendar if you wish), you will have greater control of your business, saving hours of work. It will be as if you had hired an assistant in your studio but much cheaper.

Get more bookings from families with Booking service

As we mentioned before, and if you have children you will know this first hand, the vast majority of families who want to do something with their children, such as going to a Christmas photo shoot, take advantage of the calm of the night to look for information about it.

If you give all these families that meet you the possibility to leave the issue already settled and make the booking on the spot without having to wait until the next day to call you and book, more than one will take advantage of the facilities you give them to leave the session booked and paid before you take away the only date in the calendar on which they can make this reportage.

Moreover, with this option available on your website, you will reduce the number of users who visit your website and then do not contract a photographic report.

You can sell more Christmas sessions this 2024 thanks to Arcadina’s solutions

As you can see there are several options that we offer you in Arcadina to sell more Christmas sessions and although difficulties may arise along the way, if you know how to solve each of them, the economic results of these temporary reports and your satisfaction for delegating part of the work will be more than satisfactory.

If you have not yet started advertising these special sessions and want to use all our business solutions, we encourage you to try our services – they are free for 14 days!




 On this occasion we are going to share with you the interview of the children’s photographer Omar Huerta.

>> “My website helps me to show a professional image”, Omar Huerta

And to say goodbye we would like to know what are the biggest difficulties with your Christmas campaign this year. We would love to read your answers and help you in the comments.

Arcadina goes with you

Fulfil your dreams and develop your career with us. We offer you to try our web service free for 14 days. And with no commitment of permanence.

Arcadina is much more than a website, it is business solutions for photographers.

If you have any queries, our Customer Service Team is always ready to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We listen to you.



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