Include a FAQ section on your photography website and gain visibility on Google
For several years now, most of us users have been using the Internet to ask (and solve) most of our doubts, so adding a FAQ section to your photography website, as well as helping you to improve the SEO positioning of your website, will also help users to solve those doubts they have about your photographic services.
When creating a FAQ section on your photography website, take into account the most frequent questions that your customers usually ask you. This way, in addition to having satisfied visitors with the information on your website, Google will also reward you by improving your web positioning.
In today’s article we are going to give you a series of key points to make the FAQ section of your website a success.

Create a FAQ section on your photography website and solve the doubts of all your visitors.
- What is a FAQ section on your photography website?
- How to use the FAQ section to improve your visibility on Google?
- 5 advantages of incorporating FAQs on your photographer’s website
- Include a FAQ section on your photography website to be more visible on the Internet
- Headache for your photography business? Take an Arcadina
What is a FAQ section on your photography website?

Before starting to give shape to your FAQ section on your photography website, it is important that you know what we are talking about. The FAQs (acronym that refers to the expression Frequently Asked Questions), are some sections of your photography website, usually within the content of a services page, where answers are given to a series of common and very specific questions that are usually asked by customers or users who visit a particular website.
This kind of sections are very useful for users who are interested in your services but still have doubts about whether to contact you or not. Thanks to the answers in these sections, you can help solve a number of frequently asked questions that users are asking.
How to use the FAQ section to improve your visibility on Google?

The most characteristic of these questions is that the vast majority of users who are interested in the content of your website will have asked themselves some of these questions at some point, such as: What kind of photo shoots do you do, what are the rates, what materials do you deliver, how are the payment methods, when can I see my photos, etc.?
These, it could be said, are the most “generic” questions that a potential client may ask, but later, for each type of photographic reportage, many more will arise. For example, for a pregnancy session, clients may ask themselves: What is the best date to book a session of this type, what happens if I wear before I give birth, what type of clothes can I wear to the photo session, do you do sessions with newborns, etc.
As you well know, there may be many questions that your customers are asking right now and it is more than proven that the more answers they find on your website, the more likely they are to contact you.
What kind of answers should I provide in the FAQs on my photographer’s website?
If we go deeper into the FAQ section of your photography website, the first recommendation we can give you is that if you offer several types of sessions, for example: weddings, communions and family sessions, the ideal thing to do is to create a series of frequently asked questions specific to each type of client.
Because a bride who is looking for a wedding photographer will not have the same questions as a mother who wants to immortalise her son in his first communion dress.
That is why it is important that you “listen” to your clients or even conduct a small survey after they have completed your services to ask them what questions they had in the process of looking for a professional photographer like you.
In most cases, though, you only need to look at your inbox or WhatsApp messages on your mobile phone to collect messages from customers asking you the same questions.
Another recommendation when developing this type of questions is to keep them short and concise, so that your visitors will find the answers they need much better.
When preparing the answers to these frequently asked questions, take the opportunity to include a series of keywords in a natural way, this will also help you to improve the positioning of your website on the Internet.
And after answering their questions, don’t forget to add a button that takes them directly to your contact page or a contact form to make it even easier for them to get in touch with you.
5 advantages of incorporating FAQs on your photographer’s website

When it comes to including information (both written and visual) on your photography website, everything will be advantages, because nowadays a website that does not provide immediate answers to users is an obsolete website with little future.
And speaking of immediate answers, did you know about our extra WhatsApp Business service so that your visitors can ask you all the questions they can think of through a chat? We’ll tell you more about it in the next blog post.
>> WhatsApp Business service now available in Arcadina
Here we are going to give you 5 advantages of including a FAQ section in your photography website.
1# Build trust with visitors
Online payments and access to certain data means that many people are still reluctant to buy certain products or services online. Therefore, clarifying all this in the FAQs will help to generate much more confidence on the part of the user. Therefore, one of the questions you can include in this section is how payment is made, costs, guarantees or refunds in the case of tangible products, and anything else you consider relevant to answer users’ doubts.
In addition, a website with valuable content is a space that exudes professionalism and experience and this is highly valued by visitors. Therefore, if in addition to explaining how you work, you show your best photos in the galleries, add testimonials from your customers and answer the most frequent questions to your visitors in a simple but effective FAQ section, you will get users to trust you much more before they even get in touch with you.
2# Increase your conversion rate
This advantage is closely linked to the previous one. If a website offers a quality service, resolves the most common doubts and transmits confidence, the number of users who decide to contact that company will be higher and therefore the conversion rate (number of users who enter your website and decide to contact you) will be much higher.
Therefore, it is important that you do not forget to add a contact form at the end of this FAQ section. You can also encourage users to write to you with their questions if they have not been answered in this FAQs section.
3# Helps you rank better with Google
Another advantage of including a FAQ section on your photography website is that Google rewards users who include this type of information on their websites. They are simple sections, where answers are given to a series of doubts that clients usually have before contracting a service.
Within the answers you offer, if the content is related, you can take the opportunity to include an internal link to your website and thus further improve the type of response you offer to users. And remember to add keywords related to the service you are offering without overdoing it.
4# It will save you a lot of time in dealing with customers
When it comes to optimising your work time, having a website with all the information about your reports and where you can answer most of your clients’ queries will allow you to have much more time to offer more reports during your working hours.
When you have these types of questions and answers well defined on your photography website, if you still receive users asking you the same questions, you can send them the link to your website so that they can find all the answers there. In this way, the time you used to spend a week attending to customers will be significantly reduced and you will be able to spend it on other tasks.
5# Your website will look much more professional
Another advantage of offering this type of information on your website is that it will look much more professional to your visitors. Because it is not the same to enter a digital business that does not offer any type of valuable information (apart from images), as it is to enter a website that explains how it works, what type of services are offered and where users can find answers to their most immediate doubts.
Especially if you are not well known on the web, it is essential to provide as much information as possible on your website so that users who enter trust you before contacting you.
Another section of your website that can help you build trust while solving customer queries is your photography blog. In the next post we talk a little more about how to get the most out of it.
>> How to create a professional blog for photographers?
Include a FAQ section on your photography website to be more visible on the Internet
As you can see, adding a FAQ section to your photography website is all advantages. If you want to improve the conversion rate of your website and your positioning, try including a FAQ section and you will see how the number of emails from users asking about your rates increases.
And if you want more tips on how to improve your photography website, in the following article you can find 7 more tips.
>> 7 tips to get your photography business ready for summer
On this occasion we are going to share with you the interview with Armando Díaz.
>> ‘Arcadina Labs is a total success that is here to stay’, Armando Díaz
And to finish, let’s go with a question that comes up: What is the question that users ask you most often before booking a photo shoot? We would love to read your answers in the comments.
Headache for your photography business? Take an Arcadina
Headache for your photography business? Take an Arcadina
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If you have any queries, our Customer Service Team is always ready to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We listen to you.