10+1 sports photographers who know how to make an impact with their images

Sports photographers know very well how to stop time and capture the best sports scenes, those that happen in tenths of a second and that only an expert eye is able to immortalise. That’s why today we want to introduce you to 10+1 sports photographers who know very well how to do their job and sell sports photography through their website. A very interesting and profitable business option that can help you make a living from it.

In this compilation article of sports photographers, you will find many of the answers you are looking for right now on how to sell sports photography online and make your work profitable.

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Meet 10+1 sports photographers who know how to sell sports photography through their website.

How do sports photographers work?

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Sports photographers are usually hired by the organisers of the event, part of the participating teams or even a media outlet to record everything that happened in the competition, including its participants. For this reason, a photographer who is dedicated to sports photography nowadays has to know perfectly how the sporting events he is going to attend are going to take place. This detail will be fundamental to know when the most spectacular moments will take place and thus capture in his images these unique moments that each athlete gives.

Knowing how to control the movement in any sports photo and having the necessary experience to capture those decisive moments is essential for a sports photographer. Because except for very specific moments, the vast majority of the images will be taken when the protagonists are in action.

In this type of event, it is also important to have a good knowledge of the sporting event to be covered beforehand, taking into account a series of prior data. For example: how many participants will there be, where will the event take place, how long will the competition last, where will the audience be located, etc.

What is the job of a sports photographer?

In sports photography, the professional has to know the dynamism of each event and be very attentive to every crucial moment of the competition in order to capture those unique moments that sporting events always give. Whether it’s a relay race or a rugby match, sports photographers have to know very well the type of game they are going to photograph in order to know how to anticipate every moment and capture all the participants in their moment of glory.

Because knowing how to transmit the energy that is released in each discipline is part of the work that a sports photographer has to do on a daily basis. And if, in addition to taking these fantastic snapshots, the professional is able to sell sports photographs for a living, the work involved in capturing these images will have been well worth it. If you want to know more about this subject, don’t miss the following article where you will find out more.

>> Tips and tricks for amazing sports photography

10+1 sports photographers who are an example to follow

Specialising in selling sports photography can be very profitable if you learn how to get the most out of every sporting event you cover. And for you to see some examples of colleagues who already know very well how to promote their services and sell sports photography through their website, below, we are going to introduce you to a selection of 10+1 fellow photographers who have specialised in covering sporting events and who use several of the business solutions that we offer you at Arcadina.

1# Raúl Santana Photo



We begin this fantastic compilation of sports photographers with Raúl Santana, a sports photographer who is based in the Canary Islands and who carries out a very particular sports photography, where, in addition to broadcasting each event of the race, he is able to capture the emotions and essence of the experiences of each athlete in his images. A memory that they will undoubtedly want to keep and that, thanks to the private galleries that he can implement, can become an automatic and easy to use process.

On his sports photography website, you will be able to find several galleries of images or, as Raúl likes to call them, visual stories where you can see that they are not simple sports photographs, but convey little stories that happen during the competitions he is lucky enough to cover.

2# Vin Waves



Vin Waves is a sports photography website that specialises in surf photography, an exciting sport in which you have to keep a close eye on every movement of the sea and the rhythm of the participants. In this discipline, which sometimes brings together participants of different nationalities, having an online shop where anyone who wants to can buy a photograph freely and without the need to even talk to the photographer, can be a very succulent source of income.

Behind this website you will discover José Emilio, a great sports photographer from Alicante who, in addition to immortalising every wave, also likes to practice this sport. If you want to know more about his story, don’t miss his About me section, although, without a doubt, the best part of his website is his portfolio where he shows how the surfer is able to master the wave to perfection.

3# Óscar J Barroso



Óscar J Barroso is a photographer dedicated to photographing the world of sport in many of its most exciting disciplines, such as: football, professional badminton, tennis, golf, formula 1, etc. disciplines from which he can make a lot of profit if, for example, he offers the possibility of buying printed images of unique moments for sportsmen and women.

This photographer explains on his website that after trying several disciplines, it became clear to him that he felt most comfortable in sports photography, where he explains how he has to face the daily challenge of overcoming every competition, the effort to capture the best moments, the sacrifice involved in covering certain events and the camaraderie he has forged with other colleagues in the profession.

4# Naike Foto Sport



Naike is a photographer who is entirely dedicated to sports reportage and more specifically to cycling races, although in her biography she admits that she also likes to follow athletics and try new disciplines such as, for example, newborn sessions.

On her website you will be able to enjoy some of her work and get to know her story a little more in depth. As a small recommendation for Naike, we encourage her to add more amazing images to her new gallery and to expand the information about how she works.

5# Momento Deporte



On the Momento Deporte website they are dedicated to covering all types of sporting events, some examples that you can find on their website are: athletics, javelin, show jumping, long jump, etc. In this kind of sports, speed is key and knowing how to capture the right moment of each competitor is not easy.

On this website they have been able to take advantage of many of the business options we give you in Arcadina to earn more money with each photo shoot they do. If you visit it you will find a private client area, an online shop and a portfolio with the best moments of the races he has attended. A novelty that we launched a few months ago and that could be perfect for your public and private sales galleries, is to activate Artificial Intelligence so that athletes can search for their images quickly thanks to facial recognition or their bib number. In the following article we explain it in more detail.

>> Did you know that you can now search for images by selfie? Find out about this new AI feature

6# Raulet Photo Sport



On the Raulet Photo Sport website you will find Raúl, a sports photographer from Barcelona who has specialised in the discipline of athletics after having spent many years on the other side of the track running.

On their website, as well as introducing themselves and briefly explaining what their photographic services may consist of, you will also find a selection of their best sporting images in their home section. In addition, he has enabled his online shop so that all participants who wish to do so can buy the photographs of the competitions in which they have participated. We encourage Raúl to add more images to his gallery and to make the most of his customer area.

7# Road Photo



Behind Road Photo you will discover a multifaceted photographer who, in addition to sports and action photography, also does other types of photo shoots, such as: gastronomy, corporate portraits, interior photography, lifestyle, etc.

On their website, as well as knowing a little more about their trajectory and giving answers to some questions that may arise, you will also be able to enjoy a select gallery of images. In addition, their customers will have access to a private photo gallery where they will be able to manage their photos (download, select, buy photos in digital format, print, etc.) and for the rest of those interested in the competitions, they will also have a series of galleries with public access (through the online shop) to buy all the photos they want.

8# Rayco Tacoronte Foto



Rayco is a photographer from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria who specialises in photographing various sporting disciplines, such as handball, indoor football, beach football and everything to do with the world of motor sports. He also undertakes other types of photographic reportages of concerts, events, Easter processions and landscape photography.

On his website, as well as getting to know him and being able to visit several of his image galleries, this photographer has a client area for his more private photo sessions, such as social reports, and an online shop where both participants and those attending a competition will be able to purchase all the photographs they want.

9# Rafini Photo



On the Rafini Photo website you will be able to enjoy a fantastic gallery of sports images, especially focused on the world of motorsport and 2 wheels.

As a piece of advice for this photographer from Barcelona, we encourage him to add more content to his website, for example, offering all participants the opportunity to buy his images through the website or even introducing himself, telling a little about his career and his beginnings in photography. In any case, if you want to know a little more about the history of this photographer, here is his latest interview.

>> “The web is an infallible resource” Rafael Ojeda: sports photography

10# Ramón Navarro



Photographing elite sportsmen and women is no easy task, and this is exactly what photographer Ramón Navarro from Alicante, who has been working for years for the newspaper Diario Marca covering all kinds of sporting events, does.

On his website, as well as explaining his career and showing some of his most amazing images of several of the world competitions he has had the pleasure of attending, he also shows part of his other passion, nature photography. We are sure that if many of these images of the great heroes of Spanish sport were for sale, many fans would be delighted to buy them.

10+1# Photo Club FM



And to finish with this selection of sports photographers, let’s go to the website of Photo Club FM, a website dedicated to sports photography, pets and events directed by Federico Molina.

On his website, in addition to knowing a little about his history with photography, he has also dedicated a space to present his different types of services and show his best images.

A very good way to get more clients is to offer the possibility for those interested to make a reservation directly from your website, something that Federico has very well organised in his “Book” section. And once they have already made their photo session, the participants of a sporting event will be able to access their photos through their private area.

>> 8 advantages of Booking that will make this Arcadina service irresistible

Would you like to follow in the footsteps of these sports photographers who rely on Arcadina?

All these sports photographers have in common that they have trusted Arcadina to show some of their best sports images. Some of them have simply published their portfolio, others have presented themselves and explained their story, many others continue to earn money by selling sports images and others are managing to increase their sports sessions thanks to their booking section.

As you can see, at Arcadina you can set up the sports photography business you want and you can automate countless tasks thanks to our business solutions that will allow you to dedicate much more time to your sporting events.

And to say goodbye, today we would like to share with you the testimony of another great sports photographer, Manuel Boutureira.

>> ‘Arcadina is a good product and good service’, Manu Boutureira

Here’s today’s question: what business solutions do you think are the most profitable for a sports photographer at the moment? We’ll read you in the comments.

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