Create a free downloadable photo gallery for your clients
Thanks to the possibility you have to create a photo gallery for your customers to download for free in your private customer area, the bride and groom of the last wedding you attended, the directors of a congress or the members of the last marathon in your town, will be able to download the images easily and offer their guests/attendees the possibility to download the photos of the event totally free (after payment of your customers, of course).
As you can see, a photo gallery to download for free is a very interesting service that you can offer your clients to send them the images of their photo shoot in digital format in a very modern and practical way. That’s why today we want you to discover how you can create one in your private area and how your clients will be able to access these images easily.

Offer a much more complete and quality service to your customers thanks to the free downloadable photo gallery.
- What is a free downloadable photo gallery?
- For which client prototype is a download photo gallery?
- In Arcadina you can offer your customers private photo galleries with download option
- Enable Artificial Intelligence in your image download galleries
- Offer a more professional service with the free downloadable photo gallery
- Arcadina goes with you
What is a free downloadable photo gallery?

Within your business area, you will have a multitude of possibilities when creating galleries for both public and private use (sample, download, selection, sale, with multiple options). But today we are going to focus on the functionality of the photo gallery for free download and to show you all its potential we are going to give you a practical example of its use. But first we are going to make its purpose very clear.
In an image download gallery, the client will be able to have their photographs in digital format in their possession with just one click to start the download. But this type of gallery has even more potential since for clients of large events, such as a business congress, you will be able to agree with your clients the creation of a gallery of this type so that attendees can download a series of images of the event.
The good thing is that in this type of galleries you can activate the AI service so that the search for these photographs by the attendees is much faster and you will also be able to configure it so that each person who downloads an image leaves you their contact details (if you find it interesting) to expand your list of potential customers and send them a series of emails later on.
>> Did you know that you can now search for images by selfie? Find out about this new AI feature
For which client prototype is a download photo gallery?

This type of free downloadable photo gallery is very versatile and can be used for almost any type of client you have, whether for individual use, for example, for a client who has had a portrait session in your photo studio, or for more collective use, for example, at a school graduation party, where you can share the link to the free downloadable gallery with all the parents attending the event.
In this last client modality, you can agree a price for your services in advance with the families and then send them a link to this download gallery.
And so that you are clear about what kind of clients will need this kind of practical galleries, we recommend you to have a look at the following article about the ideal client.
>> A photographer’s ideal client: what do you need to know to find them?
Types of photo shoots in which you can create a photo gallery to download for free
This very specific free image download service is ideal for large social events such as weddings, baptisms or communions where the hosts have already paid for your photographic service and want to offer their guests the possibility to download certain images of the celebration.
This type of galleries are also perfect to offer at corporate events such as conventions, product launches and all kinds of social events where managers want to share the photos of this great day with the attendees.
Although the truth is that this type of free downloadable photo gallery is suitable for almost any type of reportage. If you are a sports photographer and you have to cover a race or a match, this type of gallery can also be very useful in your client area. If you are a photographer who has to cover a school party or a graduation ceremony, you will also be able to use this type of downloadable gallery. Or even if you are a nature photographer and you organise field trips with your students, this free downloadable image gallery will be ideal to share the photos of that day with all of them.
In Arcadina you can offer your customers private photo galleries with download option

As we have already mentioned, in Arcadina you will be able to create, within your business area, various types of galleries for both public and private use.
The private client area, together with the online shop, is one of the most versatile and productive Arcadina business solutions that your digital photography business can have.
In this private space, your customers will be able to perform a series of actions comfortably from any place, time and device, such as: view their images, make a selection, download the photos, buy digital downloads or prints in professional formats (Arcadina Labs) and also offer the people they choose, the free download of a series of images that they previously choose. Within your private customer area, you can create various types of galleries for different purposes, always depending on the needs of each of your customers.
In today’s article, we are going to focus on downloading images and more specifically on the creation of a photo gallery to download for free in the private client area of your website. A business option that will undoubtedly allow you to make your photo shoots even more profitable and offer your clients a premium service. Below we are going to share with you information about all the types of private galleries that you can create in your client area.
>> Arcadina / private customer area
Steps to create a download gallery
The process to create a photo gallery to download for free is very simple, you just have to go to the management panel of your website and in the top menu click on the option Shop and Customer Area / Gallery / + New.
In this section you will be able to create different types of galleries, both public and private, which your clients will be able to consult and download from your photography website.
If you select the Private Gallery option, a window will appear where you will be able to write and select all the information for your new download gallery.

As you can see, all you have to do is fill in the fields:
- Name.
- Superior (customer area).
- Type: photo.
- Mode: download.
- IA.
- Type of client.
- And upload the corresponding photos.
In addition, if you like to create a structure of galleries and sub-galleries for each client, you can now save all the information in the form of templates and save a lot of management time with each client. In the following article of our help we explain it to you.
>> Shop and Cli Area. – Galleries
Steps to download photos from a download gallery
The procedure that your customers will have to follow to be able to access and download a series of images for free from the private area of your photography website will be a very intuitive process for your customers. Even so, we are going to explain it to you step by step.
- Access the customer area (with a login and password).
- Locate the image gallery with free download.
- Click on the download button (of the whole gallery or of 1 single photo).
- Fill in a short form (optional).
- Automatically download the rest of the images.
When the client is placed in the photo gallery for free download, as we have indicated in step 3, your client will have 2 options to choose from:

Below, we are going to explain all the options that your clients will have separately so that you have no doubts.
Download of the first image in a free download gallery
When you click with the mouse on the icon to download a photo, a new screen will appear where you will have to select the size in pixels of the image and enter a series of data (name, email and comment), select the legal notice and click on the “Confirm” button.

You can customise these fields from the management panel of your website.
- You can ask your customer for as much information as possible: name, VAT number, address, etc.
- You can also instruct him/her to provide you with (for example) only his/her Name and Email.
- Or, if you already have their data from other occasions, you can skip this step and make the download direct.
It is important to note that this data will only be requested for the download of the first photo (the rest of the images can be downloaded without having to go through this process).
You will then receive an email (both you and the client) with all the download information. In this way, you will be able to keep a detailed control of all the download processes carried out by your customers in their private galleries. You will receive all the information in the email provided at the time of your registration in Arcadina. While your client will receive all the data to the email indicated in the previous form.
Download the rest of the images of the photo gallery
In order for the customer to download the rest of the images in this gallery, the process will be almost automatic, since the step where the information is requested will not be repeated.
Full download of the photo gallery for free downloading
As was the case in the download process of the first image, if the client clicks on the “download all” button, a form will appear to collect all the information.
Once the data is confirmed (by clicking on the “confirm” button), you will only have to go to the email address provided in the form, where you will find a message sent automatically with all the data. There you will have to click on the link provided to start the free download of all the images in the gallery. Here is an example.
>> Example of a free photo download gallery
And so that you don’t have any doubts, here is an article of our help that you can even share with your clients so that they are clear about the whole process of downloading images.
>> Arcadina Help / user guide / download free images
Photo gallery for free download also from your mobile phone

And so that you can offer your customers a service that is fully adapted to new technologies, you will also be able to have this option in the mobile version of your photography website. So that your customers can download their photos whenever they want and from wherever they want (Android/iPhone or PC/Mac). Don’t you find this possibility interesting too?
Enable Artificial Intelligence in your image download galleries

Although we have already mentioned it a little bit in this post, we would like to highlight the importance of being able to activate AI whenever you want in any public or private gallery of your digital photography business. This way, in addition to making it easier for customers to find your images, for example, of a sporting competition or for guests at a wedding to be able to locate each other quickly. It will also allow you to achieve more sales if, as well as giving the option of downloading a number of photos already agreed, you give your clients the option of buying extra photos or even requesting prints in paper or in more special formats. The idea is to offer all the facilities to the customer so that the purchase process is comfortable, simple and very fast.
Offer a more professional service with the free downloadable photo gallery
You know, if what you want is to revalue your services as a photographer and make life easier for your client, the key is to offer them a gallery of photos to download for free of their mass sessions in your private client area. And if you still haven’t taken full advantage of the potential of the private galleries in your business area, here are some articles that you will find really interesting.
>> Arcadina Help / private customer area
At Arcadina we offer you this and many other business solutions that are specific for photographers and that will help you to offer your clients a high quality service and will allow you to automate a series of processes every day. Try our tools for free for 14 days with no commitment fees.
Today we would like to share with you the opinion of photographer and friend Víctor from Pepe Fotógrafos.
>> How does a wedding photographer achieve success? Víctor from Pepe Fotógrafos tells us about it
Before we say goodbye until the next tip, we would like to ask you a question: Did you already know that you could create a photo gallery for free download in the customer area of your website or did you just find out about it? We’ll read you in the comments.
Arcadina goes with you
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