What are the main problems in selling boudoir reportages?

Boudoir photography is a very creative discipline that highlights the beauty of the everyday woman in a much more sophisticated and elegant way than a normal portrait session. With boudoir photography it is very often the case that if the photographer does not know how to promote it, it can cause a number of problems in selling boudoir reportages.

If you really like this speciality and you want to dedicate yourself to it, it is important that you know how to deal with the problems in selling boudoir reportages and that is exactly what we are going to explain to you today in this article.


Learn how to solve all the problems in selling boudoir reportages.

Learn about the main problems in selling boudoir reportages


When you start with a new specialisation there are always a series of problems that can slow down or reduce the number of clients interested in your reports and so that this does not happen to you with boudoir photography, we are going to explain the main problems in selling boudoir reportages and their solutions. This way you will make it much clearer to people interested in this type of session what type of report you are offering them.

Because in this type of boudoir sessions, the most important thing, apart from taking photographs that really catch the attention of your audience, is to transmit confidence and security in what you are doing.

Now let’s take a closer look at the main obstacles that photographers who are involved in this type of photo shoot encounter.

1# Clients are not very clear about what such a session can be like

One of the disadvantages of boudoir photography is that certain types of clients are not going to know very well what this type of report consists of. If you want to increase the number of users who come to your website and become boudoir clients, it is important that they know what this type of photo shoots are like and, in most cases, they will be totally unaware of the existence of this type of photo shoots.

To make it clear what style of boudoir photography you do, it is important that you show a selection of images on your website that reflect your style, the approach you take to these shoots and the most common aesthetic chosen by your clients.

2# They may confuse this type of reportage with more explicit reporting

Another case that often happens to some clients is that they confuse boudoir photography with more erotic or nude shoots. It is true that there are photographers who do both types of sessions (boudoir and full nude) but it must be made clear that they are two different types of reports, so it is important that you show them separately on the web.

Otherwise, many clients who don’t feel like doing a full nude shoot will dismiss you as not having organised the information you display on your website properly.

3# I also do boudoir photography for men but I can’t reach these types of clients

Boudoir shoots are becoming more and more fashionable among men who like to take care of themselves and among couples to keep a much more intimate and creative memory of the two of them.

Sometimes this type of public, if they do not see that the photographer specialises in this type of public, will refuse to contact him and will look for another professional who specialises in boudoir.

In this case, as in the previous cases, showing well cared for images on the website that perfectly represent this type of report will increase the volume of bookings even more.

4# Clients want privacy and speed when requesting more information


Another obstacle or barrier encountered by clients who want to book a boudoir photo shoot is that they want speed and discretion when communicating with the photographer.

Then, once the shoot has been contracted, when it comes to organising the wardrobe, hairstyle, make-up, location, decoration, etc., the clients will be grateful that communication continues to be fluid and through a fast and trustworthy medium.

Having a fast and trustworthy communication system will make clients much more willing to book a reportage of this type.

Learn how to solve all the pitfalls you may encounter when selling boudoir photography


When it comes to transmitting confidence to your boudoir clients, showing them what their photo shoots can be like and offering them a totally discreet and fast communication system, at Arcadina we offer you 2 solutions that can help you with this type of boudoir sessions.

This is the possibility of creating as many web galleries and sub-galleries as types of sessions you offer and that will be fully integrated into your photography website. Thanks to this possibility, your visitors will be able to discover that you offer this type of intimate photo shoots and they will be able to appreciate the delicacy of the images and the sensuality that they transmit.

Another solution to your problems when selling boudoir shoots is, without a doubt, the WhatsApp Business service with which you will be able to resolve all your clients’ doubts quickly and discreetly. Moreover, once they have already hired your services, you can continue to use this method of communication to organise the report or send them a notification that they have their private gallery of images ready.

Now let’s take a closer look at all the problems that are solved with these 2 simple business solutions for photographers offered by Arcadina.

Web image galleries to showcase your boudoir photos



As we mentioned a moment ago, thanks to the image galleries that you can create on your website you will be able to have all the information much more orderly and clear. Because if, for example, you do other types of photo shoots such as children’s sessions, mums won’t like seeing such sensual photos next to the family images and vice versa.

Also, if you offer different types of boudoir shoots, it won’t hurt to separate them with as many sub-galleries as you need so that your clients are clear about the different types of boudoir shoots you do.

Before explaining all the advantages of creating galleries and sub-galleries of images on your website, let’s take a look at a compilation of our clients’ boudoir photography websites.

>> 10 boudoir photographers’ websites you should follow if you like boudoir images

Now, let’s look at 3 advantages of using a system of galleries and sub-galleries to show what your boudoir photos look like.

It shows what such a session might look like

In this type of session, you will find many women who may be interested and will want to know what style of boudoir photography you are most identified with. In these cases, having a well-kept gallery of images where each photograph is really surprising will help you to capture the attention of your future clients much more effectively.

To help you in this process Arcadina offers you the possibility to choose between several gallery formats, design the structure that best suits your work and have the possibility for your clients to see the photos they like the most in full size.

And if you are still not sure how to make a good selection of images for your galleries, we recommend you to read the following post carefully.

>> 5 tips for creating a compelling photography portfolio

Visitors will be able to appreciate your style in your boudoir photography

Within boudoir photography there are many styles and an infinite number of ways to organise a session and although photographers help their clients to recreate the decor of their ideal boudoir space, the truth is that each photographer will have a very distinct style.

In order for future clients to be able to evaluate and discover your style when planning and executing this type of photo shoot, it is essential that they see a careful sample of your boudoir photos in your image gallery.

Expand your business possibilities with male boudoir photography

If within boudoir photography you make several types of reports, for example: boudoir, nude, male boudoir, couple, pre-wedding boudoir, pregnancy boudoir, etc. it is important that you create a differentiation within your galleries so that the different prototypes of clients can be identified in them.

In addition, creating different boudoir galleries will help you to encourage other types of clients who may not even know that you do these types of sessions for them. Image galleries are a very effective way to gain visibility on the Internet when the market niche is so specific.

WhatsApp Business service to inform your boudoir customers

Another of Arcadina‘s business solutions that will help you to offer greater confidence to your boudoir clients is, without a doubt, the WhatsApp Business service.

When a client enters your website and sees your boudoir gallery, she will always have a WhatsApp icon visible so that she can communicate with you quickly and in a way that will be completely familiar to her. Through this communication system, people interested in this type of reports will be able to resolve their questions in a discreet manner.

Offer privacy and speed in communications with your customers

As we mentioned a moment ago, who doesn’t know about WhatsApp’s quick messaging system? Although email is still one of the most used methods in the market for commercial communications, it is true that for certain types of customers WhatsApp seems much more practical to talk to.

Thanks to this online chat, you will be able to communicate with your clients much more quickly, solve their initial doubts, help them organise the session, and let them know, once the shoot has been completed, of the progress of their private boudoir gallery.

If you are already an Arcadina customer, what are you waiting for to try this WhatsApp Business service on your website?

Learn how to overcome all the problems in selling boudoir reportages with Arcadina

As you can see, to solve many of the problems in selling boudoir reportages it is important to have a photography website that offers you multiple solutions that adapt to your business, such as galleries and sub-galleries of images to show your best portfolio and the possibility of responding immediately through the WhatsApp of your website.

If you really like boudoir photography the following guide will come in handy.

>> Guide to sensual and elegant boudoir photography

And if you are not yet part of the hundreds of photographers who rely on the business solutions offered by Arcadina, we encourage you to try our services. They are 100% free for 14 days.

Today we are going to share with you the interview of Vicente Esteban who, in addition to taking children’s photography and portraits, is also offering boudoir reportages on his website.

>> Vicente Esteban, portrait photographer, wins the Kake Regueira Award 2022

And to finish this article we would like to ask you a question: what do you think is the main obstacle that boudoir photographers have to overcome? We’ll read you in the comments.

Headache for your photography business? Take an Arcadina

Headache for your photography business? Take an Arcadina

Fulfil your dream of becoming a professional photographer with the help of our business solutions. Now you can create a website and business for free for 14 days with no commitment of permanence.

Thanks to Arcadina’s business solutions for photographers, your business headaches will disappear.

If you have any queries, our Customer Service Team is always ready to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We listen to you.

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