Photography website: 5 reasons to set it up

When considering whether it is necessary to create a photography website, it is important to bear in mind that this digital business tool can offer you a space that is entirely yours on the Internet where you can: create a brand image, showcase your best portfolio, explain your services and sell your photographs both privately to your clients and publicly to the rest of the world. Because if you want to sell more every month, either by getting more bookings for your photo shoots or by selling your photos online, creating a professional photography website can be a powerful lever for growth if you know how to structure it.

You may be asking yourself “there are many photography websites out there” and it’s totally true and the key to creating a website for photographers that really gives you results is knowing how to give it soul and personality. If you want to know how to create a photography website that is true to your brand and, above all, that helps you sell more, in this article we are going to give you some recommendations to achieve it thanks to our solutions for photographers.

Increase your online sales opportunities with a professional photography website that offers you the business solutions you need.

5 reasons to create a photography website

Nowadays, the professional who does not have a proper photography website, no matter how much he publishes his photographs through the networks, cannot get enough visibility or the possibility of being able to sell his photos through the network. These are undoubtedly 2 important reasons, but today we also want to highlight 5 reasons why having a photography website will allow you to go much further in your professional career as a photographer.

  • The Internet is the place where your clients are currently looking for the services of a photographer and if they don’t find you there the chances of them hiring a professional will be much higher.
  • Your photography website can be your best sales agent if you know how to present your work and it will be working for you 24 hours a day.
  • Many of your colleagues already use a professional photography website in their business strategy to find clients. It’s time to take the lead.
  • If you have a prepared website, you will be able to offer additional services, for example: sale of services, products, courses and photographs without having to spend extra time or supervise it personally. And if you offer them the option of online booking, you will get them to book many more photo shoots.
  • Your website for photographers created with Arcadina will be the work tool that will cost you the least per month and the one that will bring you the most benefits in turn. It is time to invest in tools that really provide you with solutions when working as a photographer.

Why is it important for you to have a professional photographer’s website?

When you consider doing something with your photography website, you may find yourself in one of these 2 situations:

  • If you are a photographer who is just starting your professional career at the moment, most of your efforts will almost certainly be focused on expanding your training and creating a photography studio where you can offer your services, especially if you want to specialise in areas where you need a physical space to shoot, such as portraits, children’s photography, product photography, gastronomy, etc.

  • And if you’ve been doing this for a while, you may have the mistaken idea that photography websites are just a “business card” on the Internet. It is true that years ago the website was just that, a letter of introduction where you didn’t receive organic visits. But years ago, most of the clients used to come through the photographic studio and that has now changed a lot. Nowadays, before contacting you, clients look for your website for photographers through the web.

For a photography website to fulfil its function and allow you to close more quotes or sell more images, it has to meet a series of requirements. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Create a unique personal brand

As we all know, there are many photography websites on the Internet and one of the first things you have to do is to differentiate yourself from the rest and create your own personal brand. This will be fundamental to make you stand out from the rest of the photographers.

Therefore, elements such as: choosing the right name for your photography business, having a good logo design, selecting the most appropriate corporate colours or even taking care of the way you express yourself in your online communications, will determine the essence of your work as a photographer.

If you want to find out more about this topic, here is an article where you will find many more recommendations to create a unique website for photographers with personality thanks to branding for photographers.

>> Branding for photographers: learn how to build your own personal brand

Take care of the portfolio you show on the Internet

Undoubtedly, another element that is important to take care of and that will help you to stand out from your peers is the type of images that you show on your photography website. Think that the images are going to be the final product that you sell to your clients, so knowing how to show the most brilliant photographs of your career on your photography website in an eye-catching, attractive and striking way is also going to be decisive when it comes to capturing the attention of new clients.

For more information on this topic, we encourage you to take a look at the following article.

>> 5 tips to create an attractive photography portfolio

Introduce yourself, make it clear how you operate and what you offer

On many occasions, especially at the beginning, the search for a photographer on the Internet can seem very cold if you don’t know who is behind it. Briefly explaining what your career has been like and introducing yourself as you would if a client came through your studio will give visitors a greater sense of confidence than if they don’t know who is behind your website.

As well as being able to put a face to the photographer, if you also explain to your future clients a series of questions about your work you will be one step closer to them contacting you. Answering questions on your website such as: how do you work, what is your style of working and everything that your services include is an excellent way to create a practical website for photographers where visitors can answer their most immediate questions.

Because a good service page has to be attractive in terms of design and it also has to be able to make up for those first conversations that used to take place in photography studios when a client came in to ask for a photo report. Nowadays people are not going to contact you until they have at least a minimum of certainty that what you are going to offer them fits their expectations.

Offer automatic booking on your website

Another of the points that customers increasingly value when they enter a photography website is the ability to make all kinds of arrangements via the Internet. Because your clients nowadays have increasingly tight schedules and offering them the possibility of booking one of your photo shoots directly from their mobile by following a few simple steps makes things much easier.

Here is a post where we explain all the advantages of implementing this type of automatic booking service on your website.

>> How to get the most out of the Arcadina Booking Calendar?

Send your customers their photos through a private gallery

Continuing with the idea that it is becoming increasingly difficult for clients to come to your photography studio to view photographs, make any kind of selection or pick up printed photographs. Offering them a totally private space that they can access comfortably from their homes at any time of the day or night and where, in addition to being able to view their images, they have the option of downloading, buying or selecting photos is priceless.

>> Increase your sales through customer image delivery

Activate photo sales on your photo website

If you are dedicated to making photographs that can appeal to all kinds of audiences, in addition to announcing that you have them for sale on your website, if you offer the possibility that they can buy them on the spot, both in digital and printed format, your sales will increase considerably.

Here are some tips on how to make selling photos online a success.

>> 8 tips to make it easier to sell photos online through your website

Tools needed to create a website for professional photographers

In order for your photography website to work for you, it is important that it meets a number of conditions. We are going to create a simple checklist so that you can see for yourself if your website for photographers is in the best condition.

  • Website specifically for photographers.
  • Design adapted to your style of photography.
  • Possibility to display your images in full screen.
  • Multilingual website to reach a wider audience.
  • Photography blog integrated in your website.
  • Private galleries for your customers to: view, select, download and purchase their photos.
  • Public galleries so that you can put your photographs, products, services and courses on sale.
  • Possibility for your customers to place their own orders for printing images in more exclusive formats (Arcadina Labs).
  • Be the owner of your website and be able to upload content through the panel whenever you want without the need for computer skills.
  • Have enough space to upload all your photos and create the galleries you need for your clients.
  • Have technical support to help you solve any issues.
  • Be part of a community of photographers where you can: solve your doubts, discover news and keep up to date with all the options you can implement in your photography website.

Arcadina offers you all the business solutions for photographers that you need


If there is one thing that sets Arcadina’s platform for photographers apart, it is the fact that we specialise exclusively in photographers and videographers. That’s why we know what your real needs and those of your clients are.

All the business solutions we offer on our platform for photographers and the improvements we release from time to time are designed to enhance and give visibility to photographers’ businesses. In addition, many of the new features we launch are solutions to a number of queries and suggestions that fellow photographers have made to us in the past.

>> News from Arcadina 2024

If you are not yet familiar with our platform for photographers, we encourage you to try it out and see how Control Panel really works. With us you can start creating a photographer website for free and see how it feels to create your own online business for 14 days for free.

And so that you are much clearer about some of the advantages that you will find in our photography websites, we are going to highlight some of the business solutions that photographers like the most.

Sell your images and videos online


One of the most attractive options when creating a website for photographers with us is the possibility of being able to sell their photographs, prints in exclusive formats, videos, courses and products to anyone via the Internet 24 hours a day, automatically.

This option is essential if you are looking to keep up to date with new sales methods, expand your business options and consolidate your work as a professional photographer thanks to the online shop on your website.

>> How do I sell my photos on my website?

Show your clients’ photos in private galleries


Clients, as well as looking for a professional photographer who fits their reportage ideas, also want to find convenience and speed in the service. These 2 aspects and many more are solved if you consider creating a photography website with private galleries where you can offer your clients the photographs of their sessions privately and give them the option to continue buying: prints, more digital photographs, prints in other formats and many other options that private galleries offer you.

Another great advantage of creating a photographer’s website with a customer area is that the customer service becomes much more complete and above all, professional. With this business solution, CDs or USB sticks for delivering photos to customers are a thing of the past.

And for you, this option of creating a website for photographers will free up a lot more time and allow you to automate processes, an essential detail for scaling a business nowadays.

>> Create multiple photo galleries on your photography website

Position your websites and give greater visibility to your work


Through the panel of your website you will be able to configure, in each of the pages, a series of data (keywords, meta title and meta description) to improve the positioning of your photography website.

You will also be able to add a title and description to each image, an essential detail if you want Google to take them into account when offering them as search results on the Internet.

And another element that will help you to better position your photography website is your blog. Thanks to the articles in your blog, your ideal clients will be able to find you more easily in their online searches.

>> How to create a professional photography blog?

Share your images on social media


Another of the tools that photographers use the most on their photography websites to give greater visibility to their images are social networks, especially Instagram. Having the possibility of connecting this powerful social network with your photography website can be very interesting. Therefore, with us you will be able to create an independent gallery within your website where all the images you post on your Instagram profile will appear directly. Don’t you think it’s interesting?

Use your own domain name for a more professional website

When creating a website for photographers, the domain is the name with which you will appear as a professional on the Internet and with which your future clients will look for you. Therefore, knowing how to choose the most appropriate one is going to be a very important decision that will condition part of the traffic to your website for photographers.

In this article that we are going to share with you, we explain what you have to take into account when choosing a domain name and several examples of domains from other colleagues.

>> The best domains for photographers: find out here everything you need to know about them

With us, if you contract the annual Web plan, you will have the right to your domain totally free and if you already have one of your own, we will help you to configure it in your provider so that it works with our websites.

Selling more photos thanks to Artificial Intelligence


At Arcadina we try to be as up to date as possible with the latest developments in the market and the suggestions made by our own customers, and one of the most frequently performed searches in recent months has undoubtedly been related to Artificial Intelligence.

In any of our sales galleries, both public and private, you will be able to activate the option for your customers to search for their photographs using face or text recognition. This, when they are very large image galleries, is a real advantage and will make the purchase much faster.

In addition, your customers will now also be able to perform these searches based on a selfie, thus simplifying the process even more.

>> Did you know that you can now search for images by selfie? Find out about this new AI feature

Examples of websites for professional photographers created with Arcadina


Before we say goodbye, we would like to share with you some of the websites and photography businesses of colleagues who are already using a website for photographers as part of their marketing strategy to both get more clients and improve their service to existing clients.

>> 20 wedding photography websites to inspire you

>> Explore 10 websites of communion photographers that work really well

>> Explore the world around us with these 9+1 nature photography websites

>> Want to sell sports photography? Discover 7 success stories

>> Do you like newborn photography? Meet 9 newborn photographers

>> 9 websites of boudoir photographers that you should follow if you like this kind of images

>> Fashion photographer: 5+1 fashion photography websites that will surprise you

And if you want to know what great experts and referents in the photography sector have to say about photography websites and the rest of the solutions we offer you to become a professional photographer, the following article will be enlightening for you.

>> Find out about the best photography websites in Arcadina and several opinions



Yes, you need a photography website to establish yourself as a photographer

As you can see, if what you want is to create a photography website that really works for you and helps you to generate greater visibility for your work and, therefore, get more clients. Choosing a company with years of experience in photography websites and that really knows what your photography website needs, can mean making a small investment in your business that will bring you great benefits.

>> Would you like to create a professional photography website in a simple way?

>> 10+1 tips to get a job as a photographer

On this occasion we would like to share with you the interview of the photographer who runs the Marcos K Photography website.

>> ‘Arcadina is one of the best platforms made specifically for photographers’, Marcos Kruszewski

And to say goodbye, here’s our question: What do you think is essential for a photography website to help you succeed? We’d love to read your answers in the comments 🚀.

Arcadina goes with you

Fulfil your dreams and develop your professional career with us. We offer you to create a photography website for free for 14 days so you can try our platform without any commitment of permanence.

Arcadina is much more than a website, it is business solutions for photographers.

If you have any queries, our Customer Service Team is always ready to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We listen to you.

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